Chapter 8, Evely: break free

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"I can't sleep" I said to myself

It was probably the middle of the night and I just couldn't sleep.

"Other two year olds your age are already asleep! Why not you" I kept saying.

I looked out the window to see the night sky, oh how I wish I could go out and explore....


"it is the middle of the night and your parents are probably asleep" I continued saying to myself.

But then I have to go all the way downstairs without making a sound, And I can't levitate very well.

Well then I'll just go with option one, not making a sound while going downstairs.

I walked out of my room and tiptoed downstairs.

then, a really bad idea came "just TRY to levitate, it'll be faster!"



I'll probably make more noise than I already am...

but what if.....

okay i'll TRY (and probably fail)

I concentrated, I slowly lifted off the ground

I was doing it

I couldn't believe I WAS-


I fell on the floor, of course.

I thought somebody heard, so I ran to the door, opened it and went outside.

I was panting and worried, but I made it.

I was outside, the place I always wanted to be, and not just for a minute.

I was....



"So what do I do now" I said out loud.

I knew I wanted to be outside, but to do what?

I stood there just.....chilling and feeling the cool breeze

I decided I wanted to explore, but not too far so I don't get lost.

We lived in the middle of some sort of tropical rain forest so there was a lot to explore.

The tall trees and bushes were so colorful.

The nature really was amazing....

Then, I heard a noise.

A very weird noise.

coming from behind me....

I turned around.

I heard some rustling in the bushes....


Two of a kind (KotLC fanfic) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now