Chapter Four:

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Alex pulls in front of the firehouse, ready for the twenty-four-hour shift. For an unknown reason, she is filled with anticipation. Her hands quake as a result. The brunette shoves her hands in her jean pockets upon entering the station. As she makes her way to the locker room, Antonio Dawson walks out of Wallace's office.

The Latino detective approaches Sylvie Brett, who is sipping on her first cup of coffee of the morning, "Hey, Sylvie. Is Lex here yet?"

The paramedic nods, "Yeah. She just arrived. I can go get her if you want."

Sylvie sets her mug on the counter, heading in the direction of the locker room. She finds Alex standing next to her locker with her duffle bag and helmet sitting on the bench, and her Truck 81 shirt is folded neatly on top. The brunette pulls off her maroon shirt, revealing her white tank top, a black, white, and gray tattoo of a wolf on her left forearm, and her right sleek black and silver prosthetic arm. To say Sylvie is shocked is an understatement. The paramedic gasps, causing Alex to turn to her.

"What the--"

Alex interrupts her, "Please don't say anything."

The brunette slides on her Truck 81 shirt, successfully recovering her prosthetic.

"Your arm? How?" Sylvie questions.

"I'll explain. But not here. I don't want the guys finding out."

Sylvie doesn't know how to reply.

"Al... Alright... But... that's not why I'm here." The paramedic claims after a moment of awkward silence, "Antonio's looking for you."

Alex sets her personal items in her locker, except for her fingerless gloves, to which she hides the majority of her right hand. She follows Sylvie to the common room, where they find Antonio Dawson standing by the couch.

"Antonio, good to see you again," Alex shakes the detective's hand.

He smiles, "Likewise."

"Brett said that you were looking for me," Alex recalls as Antonio guides her outside of the station and toward his car.

Kelly, from the Squad table on the apparatus floor, silently watches with his interest piqued.

"Yeah. I wanted to update you on Heather Moon's case." Antonio responds, fully knowing Alex's past, "She's still in the hospital. We finally got in contact with her parents, and they should be flying into O'Hare tonight from their vacation in Seattle."

"That's good." Alex crosses her arms, "But..."

Antonio sighs, "But Moon won't let anyone near her. It's not surprising, considering what she has been through. I was wondering if Heather would open up to you. Matt told me about the way you approached her... and I know what your past looks like. Hopefully after she's comfortable, she can answer our questions. I've already spoken with Boden, and he's agreed for you to go to Med."

Alex adjusts her radio, "Alright."

The two climb into the SUV, and Antonio begins the journey to Chicago Medical Center. By the time they arrive, they are greeted by two other officers from District 21's Intelligence Unit, Sergeant Hank Voight and Detective Jay Halstead.

"It's good to see you, Lex," Hank smirks, his husky voice echoing in the hallway.

He brings her into a small hug. Despite his rough personality to many people, Hank Voight is like a father to Alex. A father that she never had.

"Same here. Where's Heather?" Alex asks, getting straight to the point.

The three officers lead the brunette to a room that is further from any other patients.

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