Chapter Eight:

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Alex arrives at the fire station early the next shift. Mouch, Capp, and Tony are the only firefighters from the second shift at the station. The two Squad 3 members are playing cards at the round table while Mouch watches the morning news on the television. After trading brief greetings, Alex makes her way to the locker room, where she punches in her combination and throws her duffle bag in her locker before heading into the briefing room, awaiting for her colleagues. As she waits, Alex can't help but stare at her gold locket, containing a photo of herself and the three Washington siblings. She misses them dearly; sometimes, she finds herself wondering if she could take their place... or do something differently than she did. The sound of footsteps break Alex out of her thoughts. The once quiet briefing room quickly fills with the rowdy second-shift firefighters.

"I swear Connie's lookin' more and more suspicious," Otis accuses, leaning against Christopher's table.

Mouch, who is situated next to Christopher, quickly averts eye contact. Alex notices, but she doesn't care enough to ask.

"So, how are you going to get anything out of her?" Tony questions, his interest slightly piqued.

"Well. We did ask Alex but-" Otis glances at the brunette, "-as you can tell."

"Alright. I only have one announcement to make." Wallace starts, entering the room and causing his men to quiet down, "Jimmy's back on Truck as ordered by the Deputy Commissioner."

Everyone groans and complains as expected. Everyone, except for Alex. Her gaze falls to the vanilla-colored table as she keeps her thoughts on reserve.

"Come on, Chief. Are you serious?" Christopher inquires, praying that Wallace is only pulling one of his rare pranks on them.

"I'm serious. Nevertheless, we treat him like a brother. No matter what feelings we have about him," the Battalion Chief declares. "Dismissed."

The firefighters stand from their seats, leaving the briefing room.

"Alex, it's your turn to cook," Joe informs, causing the brunette to internally groan.


Alex searches the fridge for any breakfast ingredients. She grabs the eggs and bacon, deciding to use the diner's style of cooking to her advantage.

"Hey. Need any help?" Kelly asks, leaning against the counter.

"If you don't mind."

The Squad lieutenant nods, moving next to Alex. He's not the one who typically volunteers to cook meals for the firehouse. As a result, the on-shift firefighters are left puzzled by his actions.

"What's gotten into Severide?" Otis discreetly questions as he, the majority of Truck, and Squad pile around the dining table.

Capp spares a glance at his lieutenant and Alex, "How long do you think until--"

"Until what?" Gabby inquires, approaching the group of seven firefighters.

"Severide and Creed," Christopher replies, gesturing to the kitchen.

"Are we betting money?"

Joe pulls out his wallet, "What do you think?"

Gabby smirks, setting a twenty on the table in front of him, "Put me down for five weeks."

With the bets in, the total amount of money adds to one hundred and fifty dollars. The firefighters expect the two to sleep together soon, as Kelly is known for doing so with nearly half of the single women in Chicago.

Matt, having no clue as to why his colleagues are betting and his best friend assisting in cooking breakfast, cocks an eyebrow, "Herrmann, what's going on?"

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