Chapter Seven:

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"Alex, we need your assistance for a moment," Otis starts, breaking Alex away from her Ebay search.

She only raises an eyebrow in return. After Sylvie finished reading the firehouse fiction story last shift, Christopher, Otis, Joe, and Capp became curious about the story's author. As the paramedic was reading to them, certain details stuck out; these details include some of the events that have happened within Firehouse 51 over the past few years, leading the four to believe that the author may be someone working on the second shift.

"Why do you need me?"

"For something." Otis answers, receiving another look from the brunette, "Fine... Remember that fanfiction story from last shift? We think we narrowed it down to someone."


"Um... Connie."

Alex rolls her eyes, "Good luck with your task."


"Nope. I have a mutual relationship with her. Last thing I wanna do is piss her off."

Otis's face falls in defeat, inching out of the common room, where Christopher, Joe, and Capp are eavesdropping on the conversation.

Otis pats Christopher's shoulder, "Herrmann, you're up next."

The well-seasoned firefighter sighs, walking into the common room. However, Connie, Wallace's assistant, enters before Christopher can get a word out.

"Lieutenant Casey, Alex, Chief wants to see you two in his office."

Alex and Matt share a look of confusion, but they follow Connie.

Matt knocks on Wallace's opened door, "Connie said you needed us, Chief."

Wallace nods in acknowledgement, "Come in and close the door."

Matt shuts the door behind Alex. Only then, they notice Hank Voight's presence.

"Voight," Matt greets.

Hank and Matt have a... love-hate relationship. Four years ago, Hank's son was driving under the influence and caused an accident. Hank made sure that his son would not be sent to jail, but Matt had smelt alcohol on his breath and spotted multiple open beer cans. After Matt submitted his incident report about the accident, Hank began to harass the lieutenant, only to be arrested later by Antonio Dawson.

"I have some good news." Hank begins, "Heather Moon is being released tonight."

Alex crosses her arms, sensing that the man she considers as a father-figure is not telling them everything, "But..."

"I'm afraid that Heather can't leave Chicago until this investigation is over, and that can take awh--" Hank's phone interrupts him, "Voight."

As he replies with 'yeah' and 'hmm,' Matt and Alex glance at each other. Hank ends the call, turning his attention back to the two confused firefighters.

"That was Antonio. He just searched the family's financial records. We have reason to believe that Heather's parents are suspects in their daughter's abduction."

"What do you mean?" Matt asks.

"The parents were filing for bankruptcy. But after Heather disappeared, they started pulling in more money. A lot more."

"How is that suspicious?"

"The father works in construction. The mother stays at home. Once a month, every month since Heather's abduction, they've gotten a large bonus from an unknown source."

"Son of bitch," Alex mutters, balling her hand into a fist.

"Unfortunately, that isn't it. DCFS is also getting involved with this case. I'll update you after we question the parents."

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