Chapter Twelve:

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"Hey, have you seen an older guy around?" Kelly inquires, leaning against Alex's locker.

"Well, good morning to you, too." The brunette chuckles, "But no. I haven't. Why?"

"Buddy of my dad's is doing a ride-along this shift, and I already lost him."

Alex cracks a grin, "Do you need a GPS tracker?"

"No..." Kelly grumbles, "Not yet."

He slings his arm over her shoulder and walks with her to the apparatus floor, where they find Antonio Dawson's son, Diego, helping Gabby and Sylvie restock the ambulance.

"Is that Diego Dawson?" Alex greets, having the thirteen year old smile.

Diego brings the brunette into a hug, "Alex, it's good to see you."

However, the tone interrupts the warm reunion.

"Ambulance 61. Man down from unknown causes. 3281 West Palmer."

"That's us," Gabby declares. "Alex, you mind bringing Diego inside?"

"Sure thing."

Alex guides the thirteen year old into the common room.

Matt furrows his eyebrows, "Didn't they say '3281 West Palmer'?"

Stella nods, "Yeah."

While Alex snatches a cup of coffee, Diego and Otis begin to play a competitive game of chess.

"Sorry, buddy, but you're not going to win," Joe states, patting Otis's back.

"Shh. I got this."

"The majority of your defense is gone, and your queen is trapped no matter what move you make," Alex snickers.

"Found him!" Kelly announces, leading an older gentleman into the common room, "He was over at Manny's, eating an egg sandwich."

"Didn't realize I was on such a short leash," the man retorts.

"This is Dennis Mack. He's an old friend of Benny's from way back," Kelly introduces.

"How do you know Benny?" Matt questions, shaking Dennis's hand.

"I'm a District Chief in Springfield," Dennis claims. "Saw Benny at regional conferences every year. We bonded over our hunting and fishing addictions."

"Chief Mack is retiring next month."

"Springfield? Hm." Stella pipes in.

Dennis turns to Kelly, "You got a problem with Springfield?"

Kelly shakes his head, "Nope, not at all. I just know a girl there."

"He knows a girl everywhere," Mouch adds. "What brings you to 51, Chief?"

"Well, I thought before I retired, I'd spend some time in other cities. See if maybe we could do things better."

"Hey, everybody. Need to see you all in the briefing room," Wallace discloses. "Diego, you mind spending a few minutes out here?"


The firefighters and Dennis follow Wallace to the briefing room; Gabby and Sylvie return to the station not long after.

"Now, we all know from the call that this man was in possession of several guns, and that he sought after Casey and Dawson in the store. Now whether or not the death of the landlord is his doing, we all need to err on the side of caution. Be aware of your surroundings at all times."

"This guy is obviously off his rocker," Chris remarks, causing Alex to shudder.

To her left, Kelly set his hand on her wrist.

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