Grace Even In Darkness- Three

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    Kalista wandered around till she managed to find her way home. Home being a loose term for her. That was ever since the night when she saw an angel die. He died trying to get her out of the house as her own father acted insane.

    That night she knew her father wasn’t really her father. Something had taken over him. He even had new friends that were as insane as he was. She had been calling them his minions. They followed her father’s wishes all the time.

    She slid through her window into her broom closet of a room. It was so small that there was just room on the floor for her twin mattress. Her clothes were folded along the side of her bed. She has only a small window to clean her things. And mainly she can do it in the shower as she washes herself.

    Under her mattress was a small collection of books. She has to keep them hidden because her ‘father’ has forbidden her to have any. If he found one, she would be beaten for it. Then he’d let one of his minions have their cruel way with her.

    That was how she lost her virginity. But it wasn’t one of his minions that took it. Her ‘father’ pinned her down and had one of his minions hold her down as he ripped her clothes away. It was savage and it hurt. She thought he was killing her as he raped her brutally. She screamed out the whole time, but that just got him to laugh as he continued.

    She pulled her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around her knees. She set her chin on the top of her knees waiting. She knew when she was running away from that angel that it was getting late. Her ‘father’ would be up soon and she had to watch him eat while she went hungry.

    But she wasn’t hungry today. That angel had helped her. Had given her food without thinking about himself. Even gave her the food off his plate for her.

    It had been four days since she had eaten last. Four cruel days. She was still feeling a little weak from so many days without food. But she didn’t feel so faint now.

    She yelped and coward when her ‘father’ threw open her door. He smiled darkly as he reached in and grabbed her by her hair. He dragged her out of her room. She didn’t put her hands on her hair as she would be beaten if she did. Silent tears crawled down her face.

    He threw her roughly against the wall like he always did. She pressed herself against the wall as she lifted her eyes to him. He fell back onto his chair that looked more like a thrown. “How I love waking to you cowering before me. Such a sweet sight.” His voice had two voices in it. That of her father and the one who took him over.

    Kalista had only seen the creature behind her father’s exterior once. That was enough to scare her terribly. He had lashed out at her after they killed her guardian angel. She was afraid of her life everyday since. For years now.

    Her ‘father’s minions laughed as they sat on the floor next to him. Some threw things at her. Mostly bits of rubbish. She winced at the heavier things that slammed into her body. The pain she could handle, it was other things they liked doing to her that she couldn’t get past. The beatings that they did just for fun. The screams they would pull from her. Some times it was too much.

    Her ‘father’ tilted his head to the side. One of his minions handed him some food. He ripped into it without thought or care. “How shall we break you today?” He said as pieces of food spat out of his mouth.

    She trembled especially when a few minions went closer to her. “Yes. How shall we crack your soul more till it finally breaks?” One hissed as he grabbed her wrist. The same wrist the angel had touched gingerly. The one now being bruised because of the brutal grasp. She held in the gasp of pain. Swallowing it as he twisted his hand and pulled the arm away from her making it more painful.

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