Grace Even In Darkness

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    Kalista breathed in deep. She scrunched her forehead feeling a bit confused. She didn’t know what happened. One second she was telling Luc her choice and kissing him, then she was in so much pain. Her whole being felt like it was being electrified.

    She felt a pair of arms around her waist tightened ever so much. She could also feel a familiar chest pressed against her back. The feel of wonderful lips kiss her shoulder. A brush of a nose along the column of her neck.

    “Are you back with me, my beauty?”

    She grinned as she looked over her shoulder and received a deep kiss. She sighed as she turned in his arms and kissed him quite thoroughly. He moved them so she was on her back. His tongue delving in her mouth and she moaned.

    After a few moments of them just kissing without restraint, Luc pulled back and stared into her eyes. “You choose me.” He said in awe.

    She smiled and graced his cheek. His eyes fluttered close at the motion. “Did you have any doubt I would?”

    He shook his head before he opened his eyes and stared at her with soul binding love. “No doubts. Just very amazed by you as always.” He stroked her cheek. “You are more than I would have ever asked for.”

    She smiled at him. “And you my love...” She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Deserve so much.” She reached out her hand and stroked his golden wings. “Just look what you’ve accomplished. You’ve redeemed yourself.”

    He pulled her up about an inch and she gasped as his hand touched something she didn’t have before. “And look what you’ve become.” He whispered to her with a smile. “You have become an angel yourself.”

    She looked behind her at what he was stroking and found she indeed had wings. They were golden like his. As if they were feminine mirror images of his.

    He helped her sit up on the bed they were laying on. He moved to be behind her and caressed her wings. Her wings responded to his touch and spread out. He lowed her head and kissed the base of her wings and she moaned. He helped her get to know her wings.

    A moment later, he draped his arms around her again. “I have a gift for you.”

    She smiled as she raised her eyebrow. “A gift?”

    He smiled as he kissed her neck before he slid off the bed. She watched as he went to a large table, but then was distracted by the surroundings. The room was a bit dark. The stone of the walls were a burnt rust color. There were cracks and broken stone blocks everywhere. The furniture were all deep dark mahoganies. There were no art works on the walls. And the only light was coming from the fire place, but the fire was strange.

    Lucifer came back and knelt in front of her on the floor. He held up a small box to her. “I hope you like it and will wear it.”

    She blushed taking the package. She set it on her lap before lifting the lid. Resting on a blood red silk was a gleaming head band. Silver and gold intertwined together. She lifted the headdress and held it up while Luc moved the box away.

    Lucifer gently took it from her hands and set it on her forehead. He pulled her up from his bed which he knew it was going to be their bed. He guided her over to a full length mirror so she could see.

    “Oh Luc.” She gasped as she started at herself in the mirror with him standing behind her to the right.

    He smiled as he moved her hair over her shoulder. “I wish all to know you’re my queen.” He turned her to him and pressed her against him. “But I think you look like a goddess.”

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