Grace Even In Darkness- Five

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    The next few days seem to be more of a dream for Kalista. Luc had coaxed her out of his place. They strolled in the park. Had a few picnics with simple food. He even took her to a couple of restaurants that Balt had suggested.

    They were both surprised when the bumped into Balt and his family in the park. Gab had to admit that they looked to be perfectly in love. That Luc looked more angelic then he ever had. Kalista fell in love with the two adorable kids.

    Luc smiled as she let them crawl around her. They even laughed as she tickled Balt’s son to make him giggle hysterically. Luc saw more of his beloved than he had thought when he first saw her on that ledge. She was glowing and these two children was showing him how much she would be an amazing mother one day.

    He held her waist as they strolled along the street. Her head laying gently on his shoulder. Her arm wrapped around his waist and her hand in his back pocket. He loved that touch. That she felt that close to him though they haven't been intimate yet.

    They had just finished having dinner in a modern and elegant restaurant. Now they were just walking along the street. Both full and loving the company of the other.

    Kalista gasped and crumpled down a little. Luc kept her up as he saw her hand go to her stomach. “My beauty? What’s wrong?” His voice was low as he didn’t want her to hear how afraid he was at that moment.

    Balt had healed her. There shouldn’t be anything wrong with her. Unless there was something he did that caused this. He didn’t want to be the one who hurt her in any way. She’s been hurt too much as it was.

    She sucked in a hiss as another wave of pain hit her. “I don’t know. It just hurts so much.” Tears started to well in her eyes.

    He lifted her up into his arms and raced back to their place. He set her down on the couch as he rushed into the kitchen space. He had left the cell phone on the counter. He quickly dialed Balt and went back to his love.

    “Luc? Why are you calling?” He heard a grumbling voice ask on the other end.

    “It’s Kalista. She’s in pain. We were just walking when she doubled over.”

    “She should be fine.” Balt’s voice had sobered up.

    “I’m scared. What do I do?” Luc fully admitted it out loud.

    “Hang up and I’ll call an ambulance to get you both to the hospital. Just stay with her and comfort her the best you can.”

    Luc nodded as he took the phone away from his ear and ended the call. He held Kalista’s hand. “Everything is going to be fine. I won’t leave you for a second.” He held her hand in his and kissed her fingers. “Helps coming. I’m here.”

    She whimpered turning to him. “I’m scared.” She whispered out.

    He pulled her closer. “I know. I am too.” He told her back.

    Moments later, there were sirens and lights. He extracted himself for a moment from her to get the paramedics in and over to her. He stood back as the MTs were checking her out. She was shaking with how much pain she was in. Luc felt so helpless. He couldn’t do anything.

    He rode with them as they race to the hospital. On the way, one of the MTs saw that she was bleeding between her legs. When he pressed lightly, she screamed out in pain. Luc stood, but then fell back onto his rear as they were still moving.

    The MT looked at his partner before he looked down at Kalista. “When was your last period?”

    “I don’t know. I can’t remember.” She choked out through the pain.

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