Grace Even In Darknress- Nine

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    The two laughed at the show they had on the TV. Kalista was reading a book next to the fireplace. Luc had been sitting with her, but felt a little hungry. But when he went looking, he noticed they were running really low on a few things.

    He groaned as he turned to the living room. “We need to go grocery shopping.” Between the four of them for the past three days, they had been eating more of the food than normal.

    The two jumped up. “We’ll go.”

    Luc sighed. “Not by yourselves. You’ll not get what we need, but what you want.” He went over to Kalista. “Want to come?”

    She smiled up at him as she placed the book on her chest. “You three go. I’ll be fine here by myself.”

    “You sure?” He asked.

    She lifted up as she tugged him down. “Positive. Go keep those two in line. I’ll be waiting here for you.”

    He smiled at her and he kissed her. “We won’t be gone long.” He said as he caressed her cheek.

    She smiled as she kissed his hand. “Go on and wrangle those two before they get too far.”

    Luc groaned as he looked to the door. The two were already started on the way to the store. He swiftly kissed her before jogging after the brothers. She was giggling as she went back to her book and smiled the whole time. She loved how her life had changed because of Luc. He made her feel perfect and strong on her own.

    She sat there snug and warm next to the low burning fire. Her legs tucked under her on the chaise. She had on a pair of dark wash boot cut jeans with a flowing romantic style chemise. Luc had picked out her outfit because she couldn’t decide what to wear because the twins were having a row.

    Kalista giggled to herself when she thought of them. Luc had confessed that he couldn’t split them up as easily as she had. With one look the boys separated. She loved that they listened to her. That she could instill a little discipline in them. They just needed a mother.

    She looked up when there was a knock on the door. Rising from her seat, she set the book down on the corner. She walked gracefully over to the door. Peeking through the view finder, she gasped and started to slowly walk backwards away from the door.

    Her heart pounded as she looked up. In each of the large windows were dark figures that she would recognize anywhere along with the person behind the door. She was trembling but told herself that she was safe. They couldn’t get in here. Luc told her so.

    She accidentally bumped into a table and the lamp fell. It smashed into pieces of ceramic and metal. Wires curled ever so slightly. Her mind wasn’t even on the fact that it was an expensive lamp. She really couldn’t think of anything besides trying to reassure herself that she was safe.

    Suddenly each of the minions started to throw heavy objects at the windows. Kalista sank to the floor in front of the couch and covered her ears. She sat there cowering on the floor praying the windows held. She could hear the glass starting to crack of several different windows.

    The sound of a final smash and one of the windows fell to pieces. Kalista rose and ran to the bedroom. But before she could touch the door, something curled around her wrist and yanked her backwards. Her feet slid out from under her and she fell to the floor.

    She looked to her wrist and found a long inky rope tightly binding her wrist. It was cold against her skin. Following it up, she found her ‘father’ holding the other end of the rope. He was smiling darkly at her.

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