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I just wrote random stuff I wanted- I wish I did not write all this drama, so I'm gonna write the end.

Basically Law and Luffy helped Killua and Gon defeat his grandfather with they're friends and alliances. Killua came out in blood bla bla bla, they cried bla bla. :)

"Gon, I need to confess something." The pale boy spoke. The tan boy nodded. "I have these powers, that allows me to see soulmates, and we're soulmates." He confessed. Gon smiled. "I gotta confess too." He said.

"I've actually knew that." Killua widened his eyes. "It's a reason why I came to find you. And I did. You see, I do remember. Everything. We were childhood best friends, you thought I died because of this child group. I'm sorry for keeping it from you." He laughed at the end. Killua furrowed his eyes and jumped on Gon and gave him a big hug.

"You idiot! I missed you!" He cried out. "Me too-" Killua dove in for a kiss to cut him of. Gon kissed back. They shared a passionate kiss. Killua broke the kiss. "Come on idiot we gotta catch up with the others." He ran to catch up with the group

The End.

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