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Btw Killua has not used his powers because he thought his lover was dead (gon) thats why you don't see him talking about the string lol I don't know how to explain

The bell rang. Students started walking out the classroom. Killua saw a figure come to him. "Killua!" Killua looked up from his desk to see Gon. He leaned back on his chair. "What?" Gon took out his schedule. "What's your schedule?" Gon placed the schedule on Killua's desk. Killua looked at the schedule. " looks like we have some classes together." Killua shrugged. "Yay!" Gon got jumpy, which Killua didn't mind.

Killua got up and went out the classroom. Gon was following him. Killua turned around to him to see gon stop. "Why are you following me?" Killua asked. Gon gave him a confused look. "We're friends aren't we?" Killua grunted.

"That doesn't mean you have to follow me everywhere I go, Like that'd be creepy if you follow me to the bathroom." Killua said with a disgusted face. Gon gave him a 'hmph' "we have the same next period!" Gon shouted. "Ugh." Killua started walking towards the room with Gon following him.

He sat down in an empty seat. Gon sat down besides him. Killua turned to see gon staring at him with a serious look. It sent shivers down Killua's spine. "Uh... What? Is there something on my face?" Killua touched his cheek. Gon broke from the staring. "Oh! Uh- Yea!" Gon reached to Killua's face and pulled out a leaf. Killua blushed slightly.

Killua gave him a surprised face. "How come I didn't notice that." He slammed his face on his desk. Gon giggled.

The teacher then came in. "Gon, come up here. I would like you to introduce yourself. Gon went up there and introduced himself and then went back to his seat. Gon sighed. Killua looked at him curiously. Throughout the whole day Killua kept on staring at gon. Killua thought Gon looked beautiful and cute, there were times he thought Gon looked hot.

In gym almost every girl started drooling over his abs. Including Killua.
Gon took off his shirt because someone accidentally spilled orange juice on him. He had to go change to Another shirt. "Hey Killua!" Killua got startled at the voice and looked at where it came from. He saw Gon in another shirt. "Uh... hey." Killua said slowly.

Gon smiled. They finally reach they're last block which is art. The teacher said they have to draw each other and then assigned partners. Luckily Gon and Killua got assigned together since she thought they were on friendly terms. "Start." They started drawing each other. Gon sketched Killua in anime style while Killua sketched Gon in realistic style.

"Put away your pencils now." The teacher announced. They all put they're pencils away and started looking at each others drawings. Gon was amazed by Killua's. "Woah, you draw really cool!" Gon praised him. Killua blushed. "Cut that out idiot! That's embarrassing!" Gon gave him a giggle.

The bell rings and they walk out of class. "Hey, killua." Killua looked at Gon. "Hm?" Gon looked at Killua. "Do you have a girlfriend," Gon smirked. Killua blushed. "No, I'm gay!" Killua exclaimed. "Whaaa, sorry for guessing your sexuality!" Gon bowed. Killua smirked. "Hmph! That's right!"

"So, what about you?" Killua asked curiously. "I'm pan." Killua had a surprised face. "Hm, that's nice." Gon giggled.

They finnaly reached the school gates. They looked at each other. "Well, see you tomorrow!" Gon said while walking our. "See you." Killua mumbled but Gon still heard it and smiled.

Killua felt kinda cold when Gon walked away, but he brushed it off and went home even though he didn't want to go. He didn't like his family. They want him to be the heir, but he doesn't want to. He just wants to be free from his family instead of being forced to do stuff.

Killua finnaly reached the gates of his house. "Hello young master." His butler bowed. "I'm going to my room." Killua started walking towards the stairs. "But young master, your father asked for you to come see him." The butler stopped Killua. Killua groaned. "Ugh, tell him I'm coming." The butler bowed and walked away. Killua then continued walking upstairs.

He finally made it to his room and slammed the door closed. He plopped on his bed and sighed. He turned his head to the window and smiled. He wanted to talk to Gon again.

After a while he went to talk to his father. Killua began walking towards the room. When he walked in he saw his older brother. Illumi zoldyck. Killua gave him a glare. "Hello brother." Killua looked into his emotionless eyes. "Hey." Illumi then walked out from the room and let them be.

"Hello Killua." Said His father. Silva zoldyck. "What do you want?" Killua walked up to him. "I heard that you made another friend." Killua wasn't surprised since his father would send spy's. "And?" His father sighed.

That's it for now lol I don't know what to say

852 words

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