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There was a pale boy with sapphire eyes and silver hair. He was always stuck in the mansion from birth. He's parents wouldn't let him out as they thought he was too special, that he might get hurt. The boy only wanted freedom like the rest of his siblings. Every time he asks, they always say "no darling, you can not go."

The boy frowned. "You always say that! Give me a reason why! Why can't I go!" The boy yelled.

His grandfather Zeno came into the room. "You should let the boy go, He has never been outside before, Let him have a chance. he hasn't developed his powers yet." Zeno spoke.

"But father!" The boys mother complained. Zeno glared at her. "Ugh! Fine!" She turned to the pale boy. "Kil, you can go... but come back at 5:00 pm." The boy got excited. "Really!?" She nodded.

The boy thanked them and ran outside. His butler went with him. He went to a playground. He went to the slide, he got scared since it was high. He tried sliding down, when he slid down he rolled to the wood chips and hit his face.

"Hey." He heard a voice say. He looked up to see a tan boy with spiked up hair and amber eyes. he looked the same age as him. The tan big held out his hand. "Are you okay?" He had a worried expression. The pale boy accepted his help and got up. "Yes..." the pale boy said quietly. The tan boy smiled brightly. "Hey, what's your name?" She tan boy said enthusiastically. "I'm Killua." "I'm gon! Wanna be friends?" "Yes!" Killua replied while smiling.

Gon pulled Killua to the swings.Gon jumped on one of the swings but fell on his face. "Ow!" Killua giggled at that. Killua jumped on one without falling. Gon got back up and jumped on again.
"How old are you?" Killua asked. Gon looked at him. "I'm 4." "Me too!" "Waaa, really!" They giggled.

They started coming at the same place. But something bad happened one day. When killua arrived at the playground. He saw Gon at the swings. Gon waved, signaling him to come. Killua ran to Gon. His butler wasn't with him because, he had to go to the bathroom.

"Gon!" Killua said excitedly. Gon giggled. "Hey killua!" After a while of swinging, they went to play with they're toys. While playing they saw a group of kids come. "Hey you losers!" One of them with blonde hair spat. Gon and killua turned to them. The kids were older than them.

"What do you want." Killua said coldly. The blonde 'tched' " We want your toy!" A kid with black hair said. He went to grab Killua's toy. "Hey give that back!" Gon shouted angrily and pushed the kid. "Hey! Don't push me! Do you know who I am!" He shouts angrily. "I don't care who you are!" Gon shouted. The kid grit his teeth.

He stood up and threw the toy in the street. He grinned. "You can have it back. I don't need it anyways!" The kid crosses his arms. Gon ran to the toy. He bent down and picked it up, he turned around and looked at Killua with a bright smile. Little did Gon know. A car was was coming his way at full speed. The driver was drunk so he didn't know what was he was doing.

When killua blinked, he saw Gons body flying then it fell spat on the ground. Blood was all over Gon. It took a few seconds for Killua to realize what was happening and then ran to Gon with a shocked and worried face. He bent down and laid Gon is his lap while holding his head."GON!" Killua started sobbing. Gon's eyes had a dead look. Killua then looked at the kids with a death glare. They got scared so they ran away.

A few minutes later, a ambulance came and took Gon away. Killua was still in his knees sobbing. He saw mito with a sad and worried expression. Mito caught Killua looking at her, so she went straight to killua. "Killua? Are you okay? What happened to my nephew?" Mito said with worriedly. Killua told mito everything that happened, she told the cops what happened after.

Killua ran away from the scene because he thought it was all his fault.

They both have amnesia now. Read a comment of mine somewhere in the story if confused.


"KILLUAAAA!" Killua got startled and woke up to see his friend Remi. "Remi, you scared me!" Killua complained. "Well you weren't waking up!" "Ugh fine." Killua got up from his seat and went out the classroom door.

"Killua, guess what!" Remi said excitedly. "What?" "We're getting a new student!" Remi shot her fist up in the air. "Oh." Killua said uninterested. Remi rolled her eyes.

They went to they're next class and sat on they're seats. Remi looked excited. Killua was uninterested because he didn't care. The teacher walked in. "Ok class, as you all know, we have a new student joining us. Be nice to him. He has asthma." The whole class was shocked. Even Killua.

"Come in." A tan boy came in the classroom. Killua thought he looked familiar. He had spiky hair, amber eyes and he looked happy. "Hello! My name is Gon freecss!" He smiled warmly. Killua felt a heart beat. "Gon, sit down next to Killua. Killua, raise your hand." Killua raised his hand. Gon walked towards his seat. And sat down.

"Hey, I'm Gon." Gon whispered. Killua ignored him. Gon pouted. "Hey!" Gon whispered louder. Killua rolled his eyes and looked at gon. "What?" Killua whispered. "Wanna be friends!" Killua paused. "Sure, sure, whatever." Gon smiled. "Yay!" Gon cheered. Killua regretted his words, because he might get too attached to Gon.

A smile creeped on Killua's face, because he made a new friend.

I hope you enjoyed reading it! Lol
I was trying a new writing style btw

1006 words

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