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Killua walked to his room still with a mad face. What was he thinking!? He can't do that. Killua locked his door and grabbed his phone. He saw his hands were trembling. He tried to calm down. He couldn't. He threw my phone out the window. He can always get another. He sighed and went out of his room.

Killua walked down the stairs to see alluka playing. He smiled. She looked at him with a big smile. " Nee-Chan!" She dropped her toys and hugged him. He hugged back. "Why didn't you tell me you were back!" She said with a pout. "Sorry, I was talking with dad."He replied, "it's okay...." she went back to her spot. He sat down with her.

He was still mad. He didn't know what to do. He looked down at the floor. Suddenly Gon came to his mind. He blushed. How can someone be so cute and hot at the same time! He blushed harder and shook hid head. He turned to see Alluka was looking at him.

"What's wrong?" She asked. "Ah... nothing." He replied with a sigh. She gave him a smile and went back to playing.

Killua heard footsteps coming towards them. He looked up to see Illumi. He frowned. "What do you want?" Killua asked staring at him. "I want to talk with you guys." Killua rolled his eyes. "We're not talking about anything. now get away from my sight."

Alluka looked at Killua with a sad face. "Don't be so mean Nee-Chan." He sighed. "Fine. But really, we aren't talking about anything." Illumi stared at Alluka and walked away. "I'm gonna go outside." Killua stood up. "Ok!"


"Gon! Can you help me with this!" Mito called out Gons name. "Coming!" Gon ran to her and helped her wash the dishes. When finished Gon looked out the window and smiled. "Aunt mito, I'm gonna go outside for a walk!" Mito nodded and Gon ran out.

He walked on the forest path to look at the nature surrounding him. It was sunny but cool. He heard birds tweeting in the trees and rustling. He kept walking until he saw a figure sitting down hugging they're knees and watching the lake. He walked up to the figure to see a familiar pale boy. "Killua!" Killua got startled and looked at the tan boy that stood above him.

"Hi gon." Gon smiled. Gon sat down wit Killua and stared at the lake. "So, what are you doing here?" Gon asked still staring. "Just wanted to come. What about you?" Killua replied. "I come here sometimes." Killua looked at Gon. "Cool." Gon looked at killua. "You know, your really pretty." Killua blushed. "What? Don't say that idiot!" He said while hitting Gon in the head. Gon giggled. "But really. You are!" Killua furiously blushed and looked away. Gon thought that was cute. "Oh! I almost forgot!" Gon startled Killua. "Huh! What?!" Killua shouted. "Can I have your number?" Killua looked dumbfounded. "Uh.... ok. ***-***-****" Killua wrote down a piece of paper. Gon smiled.

Killua looked at his watch and frowned. "I gotta go." He stood up. "Awww, can we meet up here tomorrow again!" Killua smiled and nodded. "See you." Gon waved Killua bye and stood up. Gon walked back home. He went inside and out closed the door to see it was dark. He guessed that his aunt wasn't home. He went upstairs. Once he makes it to his room he went straight to his phone and added Killua's number.

He decided to call him since he was bored. In the other side Killua picked up with a annoyed face. "Who are you and what do you want." Killua asked with a hint of anger. "Killua! It's me Gon!" He heard. "Oh, hi Gon!" Killua smiled. "Hellooo!" Killua walked to his bed and layed Down. "So, why are you calling?" Killua asked playing with a string of his hair. "I was bored." Killua laughed. "Huh? What's so funny?!" Gon shouted. "Haha, nothing."Killua stopped playing. "Anyways,how are you?" Gon asked. " oh, I'm doing fine. Just on my bed."  Killua replied yawning. "Same! My aunt isn't home right now." "What about your parents?" Killua asked. Gon paused. Killua formed a face covered with guilt. "Ah, sorry! You don't have to tell me."

"I... don't have parents." Gon replied with a sad voice. Killua hit himself for saying something carelessly. "Sorry Gon. I didn't know..." Killua said. "It's okay. It's all in the past." Killua smiled.

I absolutely have no passion to write. 😭😭😭
I haven't been able to write that much because I'm reading the demon slayer manga right now. It's funny lol.

783 words

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