CHAPTER THREE: How you meet

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Your pov

'Oh come on where is it?' i thought as I frantically searched my backpack from my iPod and noise-canceling headphones. I let out a sigh of relief as I finally found my beloved iPod and headphones. It may seem like nothing, but ever since I was diagnosed with severe anxiety and found out I was an empath, I always carry them on me to cancel out other people's thoughts and emotions, plus it was nice having some calming music to listen to when I'm out and about.

After about 10 minutes of walking, I took off my headphones since there was no one around me and just listened to the trees move with the wind, it was nice. One of the many things I wouldn't ever want to leave behind.

I saw my little house come into view and walked up the steps to the front door, unlocked it, and made my way inside to do my nightly routine of homework, dinner, and showering.

~timeskip brought to you by HABIT telling Noah bye~

While I was doing my homework I heard my dog (dog/name) bark at something outside. Since I lived by some woods where coyotes were known to roam, I decided to go and get her.

I grabbed my shoes and phone just in case I needed to call someone for help. I walked out to the middle of my yard and called for (d/n).

"(d/n)! Come here, girl!"I whistled.

A wave of anxiety slowly made its way through me while I waited for her to get back.

I turned my flashlight on and slowly made my way into the woods calling for her every few minutes, hoping I wasn't disturbing anyone.

'Or anything..' I thought to myself and shivered.

"You should have grabbed a jacket idiot.." I mumbled to myself. I ran a hand through my (h/l)(h/c) hair and continued my search. While I walked I started singing some lyrics to Hollywood undead's song 'mother murder'.

"The longer you stay next to me the further I run-" I was cut off by a familiar bark.

"(d/n)!" I yelled. I waited a couple of seconds then heard another one of her loud barks and ran to it.

After a few minutes of running towards her, I finally came into a clearing to find (d/n).

"(d/n)!" I shouted happily the fluffy caramel-colored dog ran up to me and started nuzzling her cold snout on me.

"I missed you too! What are you doing all the way out here?" I asked her while running my hand through her fur

"She's a beauty." an unfamiliar male's voice said.

I stiffened.

~ wHoA cliff hanger!!!!! Whats gonna happen to you!!!! Also what did yall name the dog? I wanna know, let me know. 458 words~

Evan/HABIT x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora