Chapter SIX: Late night thoughts

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You couldn't sleep, you rolled over and looked at your clock.

It read 1:27 am.

'geez,' you thought to yourself. After a few minutes of staring at your ceiling, you heard your phone go off. It was Evan.

The Evster:

--did you know a whole pineapple cant fit inside one can?

--your average pineapple cut and peeled makes about 4.5 cups or 36 ounces of pineapple chunks. cans of pineapple come in a variety of sizes, the most common being 20 oz and 46 oz.

--meaning a small pineapple won't generally fill up a whole can perfectly, which also means every time you eat pineapple from a can, someone has that same pineapple.

you laughed and sent a cryptic fact back.


--if we pronounce 22 as 22 and 33 as 33 and etc etc. why isn't 11 onety-one?

The Evster:

--why u up?

--u ok?


--yeah, can't sleep :/

--why r u up?

The Evster:


A few awkward minutes passed, unsure of what to talk about next when suddenly his message bubbles popped up again

The Evster:

--hey what are the opposite of these words?

--' always, coming, take, me, down.'?


--never, going, give, you, up.

--oh gOd! nO!

The Evster:



--ive been Ryan Reynold!!



you were dying from laughter on your end, unaware he was too.

The Evster:

--oh my g o d!


--shut upppppp!!!

The Evster:


--gonna hold this over you FOREVER!!



The Evster:


--so the next time we hang out be prepared >:)


--next time we hangout?

The Evster:


--unless you dont want to.


--uhhh OFC i want to LOL

The Evster:




The Evster:




--what are we gonna do when we hang?

--i have work and a final to finish tomorrow. So after 3 okay?

The Evster:

--yeah dont really have any plans.

--ever. lol

--but yeah after 3 is okay

--what u wantin to do?


--i dunno

--we can go to the arcade or something

The Evster:



--lol. okay!

you looked over at your clock.

it was 3:48 in the morning.

You and Evan had been talking for over two hours, but why had it felt like no time had passed at all?


--bruh, its 3

The Evster:


--want me to let you go so you can sleep?

You thought about it, sure you had work in the morning but you weren't ready to let Evan go. 

Not yet.

You felt yourself smile and quickly wrote him back a response


--Nah I'm okay. :)

The Evster:

--ok :)

You both talked for another hour or so before eventually, you both fell asleep with smiles on your faces.

323 words! got a new set up so that means more stories!

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