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I slowly looked up, fear making all the hair on my arms rise. (d/n) sensed this and put her paw on me and I felt an instant wave of calm wash over me. well, sorta.

"T-thank you.." I stuttered out softly.

"No problem." he smiled. A familiar smile, one that I'd seen before but I couldn't quite place my finger on.

I didn't really know what to do besides just stand there so I decided it was time to go home, plus it was getting late.

"C'mon (d/n), time to get home," I said softly to her.

"Do you need help getting home?" the man asked, concern written on his face.

"No, I'm okay..thank you though. For finding my dog and offering your assistance."

"It's no problem, I was just asking because coyotes usually roam the area, and it's dark." concern and a familiar type of presence came off him and made it hard to think as my brain tried to figure out where I knew it from.

"That's alright. Thank you." I turned around and began to walk when I turned around, seeing him start to walk in the opposite direction. I stopped him by talking.

"Uhm...hey.." I asked nervously." Uhm,... I think I know you from somewhere...but uh, i-i don't remember...if you don't mind me asking, uh sir, Uhm... what's your name?" I got a little quieter at the end due to how nervous I was. (d/n) walked around my legs calming me with her presence, reminding me I was okay and I could do this.

The man turned around.

"Funny, I was thinking the same thing." he chuckled." I'm Evan, if you don't mind me asking, what's your name?"

"I'm (y/n)" I racked my brain trying to find someone named Evan from my memory until it hit me.

"Wait did you used to go to a school uh... fair mountain..or something?"

He had a shocked look on his face and took a couple more steps closer to me.

"(y/n)?" he asked. I nodded and he smiled." oh my gosh! I remember you from school! It's been so long."

He captured me in a hug and I happily hugged back.

"How long has it been? How are you, you look great!" I asked him. I hadn't seen him since I left.

"Geez I don't even know, and I'm okay, in all honesty, I'm lost, I was taking a walk when I zoned out and completely forgot where I was." he chuckled nervously scratching the back of his neck

I felt terrible for him, I was about to speak and offer him to sleep at my house for the night when another cold breeze caused me to shiver, he got a worried look on his face.

"you should probably start getting home, it's cold and you don't have a jacket," he said.

"Okay, oh hey, since you're lost, do you want a ride? My house is close by." I asked. he looked like he wanted to say yes but he had a little bit of fear in his blue eyes.

"no thank you, I'll be okay," he said after a few moments.

"Are you sure?"

"yeah, I'm used to walking around the woods, I've just never been over here before." he wasn't lying, but he wasn't being honest either.

"Alright, well it was good seeing you again Evan." I smiled.

"you to (y/n). see you around?" he smiled

"yeah." I smiled back.

we waved goodbye and went our separate ways.

on the walk home I wondered why I had felt like he was lying, it was perfectly natural for him not to want to come over after all these years, but then again. why do I have this feeling that I am right?

once I got home I shuffled to my room, got in bed, and looked at the stars outside my window, wondering if Evan is watching them too.

I smiled to myself and soon fell asleep.

*awee look at y'all so happy :) 646 words and some cute shit. What's y'all favorite kind of dog?*

*also for those of you wondering why I changed it from the hospital to a school is bc in the series they canonically cant remember the hospital. past me ig was just being goofy ahh*

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