CHAPTER FIVE: Awkward number exchange

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you were at Walmart. 

Well sorta.

You were at Walmart yes, but you were in the parking lot trying to calm your nerves. you had forgotten your iPod at home and Walmart didn't consider (d/n) to be an actual service dog.

(this is a legit thing. for those of you out there who have to deal with it I'm so so sorry <3)

You sighed gripping the steering wheel, trying to stop your hands from shaking. You took a deep breath and exited the car.

*you're POV*

I walked around the store with my hood on trying to drown out the emotions of the people I passed. I walked through the aisles as I sang quietly to myself in an attempt to keep myself from a nervous breakdown.

"excuses me." a lady's nasally voice asked.

'oh god no please-' I thought to myself, taking a silent deep breath.
"y-yes?" I asked quietly, voice shaking.

"why are you wearing a hood indoors?" she asked in an annoyed tone, crossing her arms.


"Are you trying to steal something?!" 

I felt my panic rising. "n-no! i-," I didn't have time to explain before she ran off.

I couldn't breathe. If I went after her to explain I would look bad. If I stayed I might have a panic attack. If I leave they might call the cops. 

I started shaking, my chest feeling like it was being crushed.

' oh god.' I thought.' not a panic attack, not here!' my breathing started to get shallow as I tried to blink back tears. I slid down to the floor next to my basket and pulled my hood farther over my face.

"(y/n)? Hey hey hey, it's ok," a familiar voice said. The voice touched my shoulder causing me to jump and look up. It was Evan.

"E-Evan.." I stuttered out, moving my hood a bit.

"yeah, it's me. I need you to breathe okay? in for four seconds, hold for seven, out for eight alright? I need you to keep doing that while I try to find my mp3 player." I did as told, as I watched Evan search his pockets for his mp3 player. My head started to feel better and my chest didn't hurt as much, but I was still shaking and near tears.

"got it!" he plugged in some headphones and set them on my head as 'pour me' Hollywood undead began to play. "Okay, now tell me five things you can see," he said,

"Uhm..i-i can see cookies Uhm," I looked down," I can see my shoes...and your shoes..."

"You're doing great," he encouraged. I looked up to see his soft smile and beautiful blue eyes.

"Uhm... I can see you...your smile! I meant your smile!" I said quickly, turning pink. 

He chuckled, "It's ok, I see you too," he said looking at me in my (e/c) eyes.

"there (he/she/they) are!" a familiar annoying voice said, causing me to jump and break the trance I was in. The women from earlier walked back up to me with a Walmart employee and pointed at Evan and I.

"that's the person who was trying to steal earlier and this is (his/her/their) accomplice!"I felt panic rush through me.

"No no! That's not the case I swear! I had my hood on because I left my iPod at home and I'm not good at social places! I swear i-"

"stop. just stop." the employee rubbed his temples. "sir," he turned to Evan." does your partner have severe anxiety?" he asked.

"yes sir,(he/she/they) do." he answered.

"aight cool," he stated plainly and walked off. The lady who had tried to get Evan and I in trouble sped walked after him yelling about how anxiety isn't real and I should be punished. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"you ok?" Evan asked.

"Yeah, I'm just socially drained."I exhaled, laughing lightly.

"I getcha, here, you get in the basket and relax while I finish your shopping." he offered.

"No, Evan, it's ok" I insisted.

"nope. too late." he smiled, picked me up, set me in the basket, and began shopping. I stayed quiet and let him walk around while I calmed down and listened to 'teenagers' by MCR.

___time skip brought to you by " I'm TaKiNg ThE rEeSeS!"______

After we were done shopping at Walmart, we headed back to my car and filled it with groceries.

"thank you again Evan for helping me out back there."

"It's no problem (y/n)," he smiled, "hey do you possibly want my number in case another Karen comes along?" He joked.

"yeah," I giggled. we swapped numbers. said our goodbyes and went to our separate cars. right as I got in mine, however, I noticed something and shot Evan a text.

(Y/N): yo, you left your food in my car XD
EVAN: whoops. 😅 ill be right there.

*707 words. Hope y'all like the updates 

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