CHAPTER TWO: When you were younger.

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Where were you?

You moved your hand a little and felt sheets under you.

'Am I in my bed?'

You opened your eyes to see white walls, a desk, a bookshelf with books, and a toy box with toys.

'Oh yeah.' you thought gloomily.' im at the hospital.'

Suddenly you heard the door open and saw Habit come into your room and put a vase full of flowers on your desk.

He turned around and jumped when he saw you staring.

"Oh hey (y/n). How are you feeling?" he asked sitting by your bed.

"I'm okay, where am I, and Uhm, what happened?" you asked sitting up.

"You're in your new bedroom and I don't know. I asked my dad and he said you had a panic attack and fainted because of meeting new people. He said you have something called..uh.." he looked down trying to remember. "Uh I think it's called X-I-A-D." he looked confused and shrugged.

"That's what my mommy said I had to..." you mumbled looking down.

In an instant, you felt a wave of sadness roll off of Habit and you felt guilty for it, you didn't mean to make him sad.



"You're not a scaredy cat crybaby to me."

"I'm not?" you asked looking up

"Nope. you're my friend." he smiled and felt happy, so in turn, you smiled and felt the same happy warmth.

"That's good, 'cause you're my friend too," you told him, but then you suddenly remembered Vincent and Jeffery.

"Are Vincent and Jeffery mad at me for having X-I-A-D?" you asked nervously.

"What?! No! They were so worried about you! Speaking off I said I would go get them once you were up." he ran to your door only to turn back around.

"Do you feel up to playing with us?" he asked. You nodded

"Yeah, I'm okay to play."

He grinned his toothy smile and quickly ran out of your new bedroom. Once he was gone you stood up and walked over to your window, seeing your parents car gone. The only family you had didn't even tell you goodbye.

"(y/n)?" you turned around to see the guys." you okay?" Jeffery asked. You nodded and wiped away a stray tear that you didn't know had fallen.

"Yeah, let's go play!" the four of you ran out of your room laughing and while you played, you realized you had found new friends and a new family.

~YAY first one done! And for the people who are confused or lost about (y/n) they are a empath, which is someone who can feel what other people are feeling without even talking to them. Your character also has SEVERE anxiety(other wise known as the X-I-A-D...their 7 okay?!) and can sorta read minds, not with words but with feelings if that makes sense. If your confused please google it, its actually pretty cool tbh. But yeah i hope you liked this weird thing i got going :)

Evan/HABIT x readerWhere stories live. Discover now