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~chapter fifteen~

Salvatore's POV:

I sit down on the clean hotel bedsheets.

I let out a deep sigh as I lean my head down and run my fingers through my short hair.

I kick off my dress shoes and untie my suffocating tie and throw it across the room, my shirt follows suit and I lie down.




She was at the fucking ball; of course out of all the Art colleges in New York she decided to pick the college I am a spokesman for.

A shrill knock rings around the room as I close my eyes and I swear under my breath as I call, 'come in' and Antonio is on the other side.

"How did it go tonight?" He asks me dressed in an all black suit and he watches me cautiously and he passes me a shirt in discomfort.

"Dont want to ogle your perfect abs" he chuckles and winks sarcastically which makes me give him a warning glare,

"Don't push it"

I threaten him and he rolls his eyes as discreetly as possible knowing that he will get away with murder around me but there is still authority drilled into him.

I look in the mirror across the room and scoff at my messy brown hair that looks like I've just been down a volcano and back,

"You came here for...?" I begin and he looks up at me before shuffling on his feet and then he shuts the hotel door.

"The De Lucas are advancing, he knows you are in New York- he was at the art fundraiser with Perdre Delores" he informs me.

"Cara?" I say feeling the air has been sucked out of me and I look up at him as I pace up and down the room demanding to hear more.

"Sì, she invited him to attend with her, he saw you making the speech and was recorded driving her home that night" he tells me.

"Get that footage and I want to see it when you get it, that man will do anything to spite me, does he know about our history?" I ask him.

"As of now, no- but he will be doing exactly what we are doing, researching her and digging up every hole into her past" he says.

"Cazzo" I say and he pulls out two cigarettes, which are permitted in the hotel room so he covers the smoke alarm with my shirt as we light the cigarettes.

"Carlos is finding out more about that night and will report back to you when we have more about Jeremy's intentions" he says

I nod and take a drag and I watch as Antonio does the same and then he stubs his out as he knows he has a lot to do tonight.

"Remember tomorrow is the meeting with Petriov" he says and then stops, "after your plans with Cara of course" he chuckles.

I swat up my middle finger to him and leave the hotel room with a hostile look and his gun loaded even though he is about a room down from me.

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