cherry on top of the cake

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~chapter thirty one~

Nothing was particularly odd that day, we had Christmas dinner, listened to carols around the tree and perhaps made love in a few spots around the home.

"I'm just heading out for a cigarette" he calls out to me and I nod, toying with the bracelet on my wrist, a content smile on my face.

The house was silent, the only sound was the ticking of a clock, bored I stand up and grab a mug for a hot chocolate.

Suddenly, a sound of gravel churning in the distance ceases my actions and I walk towards the curtain, a black car pulling up slowly behind the gates.

I loosen the curtains and furrow my eyebrows walking outside to Salvatore but before I can say anything a man from the bushes jumps onto him.

He knocks Salvatore out from behind with a gun and I watch as his body lifelessly falls down, his head inches from the pool.

I shout and run towards him but two men grab my arms from behind, I turn around- flailing, kicking and screaming but they don't let me go.

"Let go of me!" I shout with tears running down my face and I watch as they leave Salvatore in a pool of blood, pulling me away from him.

"Help!" I scream and I meet eyes with a tall dark man who smiles at me, baring his teeth like a wild animal;

"Ciao bella" he greets with a chuckle and everything turns black.


Salvatore's POV:

I woke up with a headache, my head pounding like it has it's own heartbeat.

I open one eye and notice I am in the hospital basement, the familiar smell of disinfectant chokes me.

"Where's Cara?" I rasp out, my English indecipherable and I notice Antonio in the corner spring from his seat,

"Salv! You're awake, thank god!" He says avoiding my question and he types something on his phone whilst I lie there confused and annoyed-

"I said where's Cara?" I demand

"Look, Salvatore something bad has happened" he says looking up at me with guilt written all over his face and my heart stops.

"She was taken yesterday by another mafia gang, in reparation for our past actions" he says grimacing.

"Past actions? Did they leave a note?" I ask him and I feel my whole world tumble down realising that if I get Cara back she will hate me and won't trust me.

This is really bad

"No" he says pausing and I shout, clenching my jaw in anger and frustration, "fuck!" I curse.

"Carlos and the men are looking for her, we have a team checking the surveillance cameras around the home but one of them was smashed" he tells me.

I pull on the ends of my hair noticing a bandage wrapped around my head, enraged I get out of bed.

"Boss you should rest!" Antonio says in distress but I pace up and down, my head aching and the rest of my body screaming to rest but I can't,

Not until I have Cara safe in my arms.

"Salvatore get back to bed, leave this to us" he says and I grip onto his shoulders, shaking him slightly.

"You have to help me find her" I say to him, letting my guard down and he nods solemnly.

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