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~chapter sixteen~

I chew nervously on my fingernails.

I feel my foot anxiously tap against the floor and I pull my coat closer to my chest.

I sigh as I lick my cherry lip balm covered lips and get ready to stand when a tall figure shadows over me and I look up.

"So you didn't ditch me then?" I joke feeling my heart pump twice as fast and he chuckles rubbing his neck.

I watch as his prominent veins in his arms move as he ruffles his hair and he catches me watching and shoots me a reserved yet ostentatious smirk.

"Watching me?" He says and my mouth goes dry as I try to pull off a witty remark but instead I roll my eyes and chew my lip.

Get me out of here

We find a seat in the corner of the coffee shop and I cautiously take a seat as I watch a few people eye up Salvatore and I try not to roll my eyes.

"So, how have you been?" He asks me taking a seat and his eyes don't leave me as he waits for my answer and I nod,

"Good" I meekly say and cough, "good you?" I reply and I watch as his hands tap lightly on the table and he nods.

I look down at his slightly scarred hands that have sporadic juts of cuts and marks etched into them and I feel his burning gaze on me so I look back up.

"Your hands..." I say and he shifts them off the table, out of my vision and he looks around- almost annoyed and I try not to scoff.

"Why am I here?" I ask him and lean forward slightly and he looks down at my Tiffany necklace that I alway used to wear from Ted.

"To talk, after- well, last night" he says slightly nervous and I nod and we both look up as a young waitress comes to us.

"Can I get you guys anything?" She asks with a thick Yankee accent and Salvatore orders an espresso and I ask for a pomegranate tea.

She nods and walks off back to the till and I turn back to Salvatore who looks a way lot older than me and I chuckle.

"What's funny?" He says with a hint of amusement drawled onto his features and I shake my head as I mess with the menu on the table.

"Nothing just how things have changed" I say and I look up at him as his body stiffens and I realise that these past two years have been hard for him.

"Sorry" I apologise quickly and he shakes his head running his hands down his tired, tanned yet dashing face that is painted in my mind.

So hauntingly beautiful

"It's fine, I know you're probably so confused as to why a mafia boss is here in New York and yet here we are" he begins and I shrug.

"I guess I'm a bit confused" I help him out and this time he slightly shrugs and I smile at how vulnerable he looks when he does that.

"I can't tell you why I'm here exactly but all I can say is last night was not intentional but I am glad that it led me to you" he opens up.

The waitress comes back over just as I'm about to speak and she places our drinks down and we thank her.

I nod awkwardly and I take a sip of my tea, nearly scalding myself and he chuckles.

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