the hood

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~chapter five~

Salvatore's POV:

Loading my gun I hatefully watch the man, he looks up at me with crimson eyes and even though he is battered and bruised,

The devil in the bastard smiles back at me

"I know you won't shoot me, you're not bred for this kind of lifestyle" says the man with a curl of my native accent.

"Oh I am" I chuckle sadistically,

"My fathers mafia blood is coursing through my body" I spit and he looks up at me with hooded eyelids from the bruises.

"You won't shoot me" he taunts wincing as a guard next to me kicks him in the ribs and he wheezes and coughs up blood.

"I'll give you what you want Romano"

Oh, how different it is to hear your surname being said by a rival mafia gang than high school students

"It's too late, we found it without your help anyway- you were just a pawn in our hunt" I tell him and I watch as he leans back.

"I know someone who is going to harm something you love and you won't be able to do anything about it" the man says

"Oh and what's that?"

"That girl, what's her name..." he scratches his chin,

"That rich bitch you met in high school when you were a principal, impressive if I ask- Cara Delores"

"Don't you dare go near her or breathe the same air as her, and if the rest of your shitty little gang friends touch her I will kill you all" I spit

"I'll be in hell waiting for them then" he spites me and he spits out a clump of blood and my guard holds his head and grips his hair.

"Say your last words" I mock

"Sarò in purgatorio ad aspettare Salvatore"

Once he whispers his last words with no mercy I shoot him right in the heart and I watch as his body goes limp and his hands drop.

"Clean the mess up" I say staring one last time at the man that I never knew but I knew that means there's one less man on Jeremy's side.

Jeremy De Luca


The sun had set over campus and my as I walked back to my dorm I felt a brush of something beside me and my eyes widen.

I turn around and see a man wearing all black, a phone held to his left ear and a foreign language came out of his mouth- he was whispering.


He ends the call and looks straight at me and keeps the eye contact for a second whilst I stand there like a stuffed dummy.

He then gives me one last look over and smirks under his mouth chuckling sardonically and walks off pulling up the hood of his hoodie.

"What the hell" I whisper to myself feeling my hands grow cold and I make my way back to the dorms with Athena on speed dial.

I type in the code for our dorm and get into the lift and then finally make my way back to my room and I open the door.

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