sensual flair

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~chapter thirteen~

Tonight was the night things would change.

Predominantly, it was the night of the 'art ball' and night that my life would be so different.

After yesterday at the station, I went to the toilet and told Gilbert that I was sick and we would go back another day.

He was very hesitant but saw my puppy eyes and I had to put on a sick façade so we would leave and Ted and Penelope would be left out of this mess.

Athena was also concerned as she knew were at the station and I also told her I was sick so she swaddled me in blankets and made me hot chocolate.

I made me feel a bit better, even though I wasn't sick but I still needed time to sleep and rest due to the alarming message the 'hood' gave me.

But I wasn't going to chicken out of tonight and the ball, I had a nice dress and had the Jeremy De Luca as my date, I couldn't say no.

So for the whole morning I helped the art department set the music hall up, outside of campus and I was shattered.

Gilbert and I blew up balloons, put up bunting, cleaned the place out and helped set up tables and chairs.

But it was all for a good cause and even Athena turned up with some snacks for us after her lecture, she said we had transformed the hall into a winter wonderland.

After Gilbert and I had left I headed back to my dorm and saw Athena tugging on her hair, makeup and hair products strewn across the room.

"Um, what are you doing?" I ask her as I shut the door with a click and I place my canvas by my bed as I realise I need to get ready.

"I'm stressed for you! You're supposed to be there in three hours and I can't decide what eyeshadow palette to make you wear!" She exclaims.

"Athena you're nuts!" I reprimand her and I walk over to her and she pulls out the dress that we bought on fifth Avenue.

Oh my god

It was like I saw the dress for the first time again, it was bedazzling and I looked at Athena as she smiled at me.

"See this is why I was stressed, you're wearing the nicest dress and your makeup is going to look awful" she slumps

"No it won't don't be ridiculous" I touch her shoulder reassuringly and she closes the curtains as I peel off my old clothes and slip on the dress.

The cocktail dress in passionate red hugs my body like an olive skin and complements my bronze tan and dark curls.

Once the dress is on she curls my hair and picks out my makeup and I let myself get pampered by my best friend who transforms me.

After two hours we are finally done and we have an hour to spare where Athena takes pictures of me and I feel like a new woman- not a college student.

"You look amazing!" She claps her hands in glee as I twirl around and throw her a wink, I give her a hug and she gasps.

"Jeremy is going to be drooling!" She squeals and I feel my heart race against my chest in excitement as I envisage myself with Jeremy.

I feel my phone buzz and I look down at it and my heart stops in my chest as I read the thrilling message from Mr De Luca himself.

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