like honey

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~chapter seven~

"I was trying to find some hooded freak that is stalking me actually"

I bite back feeling the confidence I lost ooze back into me like honey.

"Well I saved you from that hooded freak, someone is spying on you and you should've have been more careful- most people steer away from stalkers not chase them" he remarks with a sneer.

I look at his face that used to look a lot healthier and it used to be a lot less unscathed, now he sported a few small scars.

His skin was still tan and I looked down at his veiny hands littered with cuts and I notice how much more muscly he now is.

Oh and how he hasn't lost his golden eyes that are as dark as the night but have so much light in them

"Are you done analysing me?" He patronises me and takes out a gun and loads it and he pulls me back to the wall, the gun in front of us.

I gulp and I feel his breath shake and he lets go of me and puts his gun away and I look around a notice a few men walking towards us.

"Uhm Salvatore" I say pointing towards three buff men with guns, all wearing black and showcasing a killer expression.

"Don't worry Cara, they're with me" he says and I nod taking a step back feeling intimated and like I'm about to be trod on.

Does Salvatore have the terminator clones working for his gang or something?

Athena would be in heaven

Shit, Gilbert

"This is Carlos and..."

"Antonio!" I say and he smiles at me as everything comes back to me, "hi Cara!" He says nodding and how he has changed.

His once small figure with a lean bit of muscle has completely reversed and he is now nearly as big as Salvatore, but still rather short.

I look at Carlos and and notice that he hasn't spoken and is lighting a cigarette, he has longer hair tied back in a bun and has a cold exterior.

"Carlos" Salvatore nods and Carlos passes him a lighter for his cigarette and I scowl at the bad habit of ex boyfriend and ex principal- ouch.

"Imagine if the faculty of Eastwood saw you now" I joke and he rolls his eyes and he finest answer and takes a drag

"Well I should get going, nice to talk Salvatore" I say and I pull my coat back on, I expect him to follow after me but no one follows.

Sighing and shaking my head at everything I make my way back to the coffee shop where Gilbert hopefully still is.

I open the door to the coffee shop and the sound of Mozart floods my senses and I make my way over to where a lonely Gilbert is taking to a guy.

The guy is sat where I would've been sat and they are both talking to each other and I watch how Gilbert's eyes light up at this guys laughter.

"Hey Gilbert, sorry I left you" I say interrupting them and Gilbert looks up at me, "oh hi!" He says and the guy stands up

"Cara" I say extending a hand out and the guy shakes my hand, "Harry" he smiles with pearly whites and Gilbert chuckles

"This is my friend from the dorms, he just stopped by to tell me something" Gilbert says and Harry nods with blushed cheeks.

"Well I'll see you later Gilbert, bye Cara" he says and walks out shoving his hands into the pocket of his coat and he leaves.

"Roommate?" I question and Gilbert nods taking a up off his latte, "yep" he chuckles rolling his eyes with a smile.

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