Chapter 2

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1 week later:

We were on a run. A gun run. I've seen, been on and unintentionally stumbled upon them.

This one was different. I didn't have to drive the huge van that followed the guys on their motorcycles, I was actually allowed to ride my own bike.

I had a Harley Davidson 1997 all black motorcycle that was passed down to me from my deceased father. I didn't really inherit a lot from him after my mom split and his will was legally opened when I was 14.

Chibs helped me fix the bike up at the Teller-Morrow auto shop. Then I would stick around and watched the guys work on cars and picked up on how to find problems in cars and fix them. Before I that I knew the ins and outs of motorcycles before I was 16, when Clay gave me my first and only job.

Anyways, we were speeding down the road and I was in the second row of motorcycles on the highway. I found it surprising and thought they'd put me in the last row, but I didn't complain.

We got new prospects but only one was really handy and respectful, Kip Epps but he made it known for us to call him halfsack, then proceeded to show us why.

Being the only female SAMCRO member I kind of was offended by his actions of showing us why he was called that, Jax pointing it out as well saying something along the lines of "we've got a female in the club, watch your actions" in which we all laughed.

Half sack was the one driving the van with all of the guns in it and we were guarding it.

I was riding next to Juice and once in a while I would see him look over at me. It kind of comforted me a bit.

A few more miles to go and we'd be in the middle of nowhere, where we were meeting the Niners to trade guns for cash. I saw the sign on the highway thst said where we were and we were long past Stockton, Charming and San Joaquin.

As I was riding, a car sped past me and looked back at me. I didn't pay much attention to it until they opened their window and I quickly grabbed my gun and pointed it at them, before they seemingly targeted Clay and Jax.

I looked over at Juice and he nodded his head. I started shooting at the person holding their gun to Clay, who was closer to the car than Jax.

I shot my clip into the back of the car, in the window. The car stopped and I looked back at Half Sack in the car and he saw the entire thing.

Luckily, there were no other cars on the highway so I pulled over onto the wrong side of the road and dropped my bike to the ground.

The guys all kept going and I shrugged it off. I threw my helmet off and put another clip into my gun before I ran over to the car and opened the drivers door. I pulled the driver out of their seat and pushed him into the ground.

He groaned and swore a few profanities at me and I noticed I had killed the person that was actually in the passenger side, previously aiming to shoot at Clay.

I heard the rumble of motorcycles coming my way and I was sitting my pants and hopefully thought that it was the guys.

"WHO ARE YOU?" I yelled at the driver and he spat on my jeans and laughed at me.

I pressed the barrel of my gun to his temple and cocked the gun.

"Why'd you try to kill my friends?" I shouted at him and he laughed at me again before head butting me, as I was crouching low to his level.

I felt blood come from my nose and I rolled my eyes as the guys all kicked their kickstands and rushed over to where I was interrogating this mystery man who was going to be an accomplice in killing Clay.

Being Female SAMCROHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin