Chapter 3

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I walked into my house after applying for jobs with a huge smile on my face, knowing I made a friend out of a simple coincidence. Instantly I could smell the alcohol coming from my dad who was sitting on the couch. He turns around as he hears me shut the door and says, "About time. Have you applied to jobs like I asked you?" I nodded my head as I took off my shoes and then said," Yea I applied to about 9 or 10 places dad. I should be hearing back from each place in the next few days." He gave me a thumbs up then went back to drinking another beer. 

I walked to my room and sat down to write about that nasty message I had gotten from the people at my old school. I just wrote about what they said and how it made me feel, considering I didn't expect it to continue, it hit me a bit harder then expected. Once I was finished writing about the message I skimmed through the other entries, stopping on a few that were so bad that I could still see the wrinkled up paper from when I had cried. Slamming it closed I decided I would help my mother with dinner so I walked to the kitchen looking to see what she was making. She looked up as I stopped by the counter, "Hey. You helping for once or what?" I quickly said yes and washed my hands so I could get to work.

Once my mom and I finished making dinner, she set the table and I brought out the dishes. We had a simple dinner of chicken, pasta and broccoli. My dad lazily walked over and dropped himself at the head of the table with my on his left and my mom on his right and began to get himself a plate. Once he sat down again and started eating his plate, my mom and I put together our own. It was a silent dinner, per usual when we actually sat together as a family, until my mom spoke up. "Aviva we have to go to the store at some point tomorrow so we can get you stuff for school. I don't want you walking around in the same clothes as last year." When she said this my eyes went wide and I almost choked. I looked up at her with a smile on my face and said "Sure thing mom! Whenever you have time will be fine." and then we all continued eating. Finally after a long, awkward silence, I went up to my room and changed for bed. I threw on some sweats and a t-shirt and hopped into my bed, falling asleep almost instantly.


I woke up to my phone buzzing on my table. I sat up and picked up my phone while squinting, since the sun was shining right onto my face. Sam had been calling me and I realized that's because I missed some of her texts which included; "Hey! You up yet??", "Just wondering because I'm throwing a party and I want you to meet some of my friends. I have a pool btw so bring a swimsuit!", "Hello Av?!?" and the last text read "Av my party starts in an hour so let me know ASAP!!!!" I quickly texted her back saying "Holy shit I'm so sorry Sam! I just got your messages but hell yeah I'm coming. Cant wait! See you in a bit <3" as soon as I hit send I jumped up and went to shower and get ready for her party. I got out and blow-dried my hair then threw on the first bathing suit I could find. It was a simple black bikini that I threw on with some plain jean shorts and a basic white t-shirt tucked into the shorts. I grabbed my phone and texted Sam to send me the address and started my walk there.

I walked up to the front door absolutely star struck. I knocked on the door and as Sam opened it I instantly said "Holy crap Sam your house is amazing! The landscaping is so beautiful." she replied with "Thanks Aviva. Come in!" We walked together to the back of the house where the pool is and I saw that everyone was already here. I stopped at one of the lounge chairs and stripped to my bathing suit before I continued to follow Sam. We made our way to a skinny blonde girl wearing a hot pink bikini and a brown haired girl with a multi colored bikini on. As soon as we stopped Sam started to introduce me to wo I assume are her friends. "Aviva this is Yasmine and Moon. Yas, Moon, this is Aviva." I waved and said "Hey nice to meet you guys!" Moon instantly pulled me in for a hug while Yasmine said "Hey girl. Love the swimsuit!"

After introductions were made we sat down on the edge of the pool and began talking. "Okay you were right. This is so much fun!" Moon said and I agreed with her very quickly. "I agree with Moon! The best thing I've done in a while." Yasmine just laughed and said "Told you. Always better to be the one throwing the party." I wasn't entirely sure if I liked how she said that but I decided not to judge her since we just started hanging out. She then continued with a smirk on her face, "And Kyler's been eye-banging you all day." Not knowing who Kyler was I asked, "Who the hell is Kyler?" Yas pointed over to where Sam was staring. I looked over and saw an Asian boy with a nasty bruise on the side of his face, wearing bright orange trunks and sitting next to someone with a smile on his face while looking right back at Sam. 

A few moments later Moon stands up and pulls out her phone while talking to someone across the pool and says, "Hey Rory! Do your flip again. I wanna get it for my channel!" In return a boy with navy blue and dark green trunks jumps onto a mini trampoline and does a front flip. While everyone gets riled up and starts cheering, I go inside to use the restroom.

 Finally finding the bathroom I do my business and go to walk back out to the pool when I see to older looking adults, who I assume are Sam's parents, standing in the kitchen. They both turn to look at me so I decide, since I'm in their house I should introduce myself. "Oh, Hi. I'm Aviva. Sorry to intrude. Sam invited me over but I should probably get going." I say with a small smile. Sam's father then reaches his hand out to me while introducing himself," Hi I'm Mr. LaRusso but please, call me Daniel." My eyes widen in shock and I ecstatically say "Mr. LaRusso? Like THE Mr. LaRusso? Like Mr. LaRusso Auto Group?" He nods his head and says "Yes. We kick the competition." I shake his hand and tell him how I just applied to work there. He smiles brightly and says "What is your last name? Moore right?" You nod very quickly and say "Yes. It is! How did you know?" He chuckles at me and responds with, "That's because I just approved your application. You've been hired Aviva. Congratulations!" I squeal and say thank you so many times that his wife intervenes and says, "If you want we can discuss your schedule. Why don't you come in at sometime in the next few days, yeah? I'm Mrs. LaRusso by the way. But my names Amanda and I prefer that is what you call me."

Once I had finished introducing myself and being told I got the job I went outside with Mr. LaRusso and helped him pick up the floaties. We picked up floaties and cups off the ground and grabbed the few floaties that were in the pool. Once we went to this little hut looking thing he told me he could take care of the rest. I said my goodbye and left to go home to a house which I knew would be full of angry parents because once again. It was after dark.

Walking through my front door I attempted to brace myself for whatever argument I would have to get into with my parents. The moment I opened the door my mother yanked me inside and started getting very upset with me. "Aviva! What the hell were you doing after dark? AGAIN? And you missed our clothing shopping trip! Now we have to wait till tomorrow AFTER your first day. I am so upset with you, you ignorant piece of shit." Next was my dad putting in his two-cents, " I bet she was with some guy like she always is. Is that where you sneak off to all the time? Huh Aviva, huh? Look at me and answer child!" I looked up and shook my head no but before I could explain they sent me to my room and told me not to come back out tonight.




This is the beginning of episode two everyone!! Also this one is extra long because I had to add that last scene with her parents to wrap it all up. I've honestly never been so happy with what I'm writing. Like this makes me want to keep writing to see where I can take this story. Thank you for reading and please make sure you vote so others can enjoy this as much as you have!


Miss Cobra Kai [1]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora