Chapter 14

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After I got out of school, I scrambled around my house trying to get ready for work. I pulled my shirt over my head as I left my room and ran to grab my black work shoes. "Why the hell are you running through the house Aviva?" My mother asks me, tapping her nails on the counter. "Sorry Mom. I'm running a bit behind schedule for work." I said while tying my laces. My dad then walks in, stumbling a bit before walking to the fridge. "Sure you aren't just going to whore around with guys?" My dads slurs while grabbing a beer out of the fridge before shutting the door.

My eyes gloss over but I just continue to tie my shoes before grabbing my phone from my room. "If your are meeting up with some guys at least make sure you don't get knocked up. Your mother and I don't need more shit to deal with on top of dealing with you." My dad says while walking over to the couch. With my phone in hand I walk out of my house and make my way to work, doing a slight jog.

Once I get on the street to my workplace, I start walking and realize my face feels cold. I lift my hand up feel the tears that threatened to spill earlier finally came down while I was jogging, causing the wind to make my face cold. Quickly approaching the front doors of my work I took the backs of my black, long sleeve work shirt and wipe underneath my eyes before I entered. Looking to Mrs. LaRusso's office I see her, Mr. LaRusso and Louie in there, Louie in a chair with his shoulders slumped while Daniel looks disappointed and Amanda looking angry.

I walked to the back and clocked in before checking all the garbage bins to make sure none were too full. Noticing that all of them were recently changed and basically empty, I walked to the break room and began restocking the refreshments and the coffee add-ins. While getting out everything I needed to restock with, I heard a knock on the door which was weird since it was opened but better than sneaking up on me. As I turned around I noticed it was the boy from Amanda's office a few days ago, 'Mr. Keene'.

"Hey, I'm Robby." He says while slowly walking over, putting his hand out for me to shake. On instinct, I flinched which wasn't unusual for me to do around newer people. I've gotten better around my friends at the Dojo and with the LaRusso's but I have my moments from time to time. He scrunched his eyebrows, noticing the way I flinched but before he could retract his hand I reached mine out and shook it. "Aviva but I usually go by Av. Nice to meet you." I introduced myself with a small smile.

"I actually came in here to restock but seeing as you are doing the same maybe we can work together." He suggested with a shrug, smiling back at me. "Oh, sorry. If I had known you were going to I wouldn't have but yes let's do it together." I said while passing him some of the sugars for the coffee. He took them and started putting them in the bin next to the coffee machine. Turning my head at the sound of heels, knowing it Mrs. LaRusso, I watch her walk in with a sulking Louie behind her. "You don't have to do that. Louie, here, is gonna be handling your work for the rest of the day. Right Louie?" She says to Robby as she turns and gives him a beyond pissed off look. 

"Robby, I'm very sorry for yesterdays events. It's been brought to my attention that what I did is considered to be not professional." Louie says in a monotone voice, obviously not being sincere. But about what happened yesterday, I have no clue. I was at the dojo yesterday since I don't need to work every day right afterschool. I look over to Robby who has his head downwards, nodding slowly. "Okay. Thanks." He says as he looks up from his feet. "What? What is going on?" I asked, so confused as to what I missed. "Oh, Louie here thought it would be a great idea to trick Robby into turning on a car in the showroom." Amanda said, in a very sarcastic tone while shaking her head at Louie.

"Louie! Come on, I told you to not mess with the new member. Plus you could've gotten everyone killed." I said while slapping his arm. "Oh, by the way. Av, you don't have to do work  either. We also have something for you both." She informs us as she pulls something off of Louie's shoulder. She lifts up a grey, short sleeve, company shirt with Robby's name on it and tosses it to him. "It's official. You've earned it." She finishes as she tosses me the same on but mine says Aviva on it before turning and leaving.

Miss Cobra Kai [1]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora