Chapter 5

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While I was getting ready for school, I had gotten a notification on my phone. I quickly ran over and checked it so I wouldn't be late to school. It read, "I just found out that before Aviva left she slept with a few of my guy friends. What slut am I right? Can't believe my friends would stoop that low. Good thing she isn't coming back. She's disgusting." It took me a few minutes to read through and process what I had just read. I had been gone for a while and they still couldn't leave me alone. I tossed my phone on my bed and put on the rest of my outfit which consisted of a black pleated mini skirt, a black tank top and a grey blazer with a pair of black ankle boots. I grabbed my phone and backpack and went to school.

I went through my normal class schedule, which had classes with Miguel and Demetri. I only had one class with Eli and that was what we were in right now, before lunch. As the bell rang I got up and made my way over to Eli so we could walk together. As I walked over I saw that he had a red tint on his face, making me think he was sweating or something. We walked into lunch and over to where Demetri and Miguel sat when I also saw their faces go red. I sat down and said, "Okay, enough of this. What is up with you guys? Is it hot or something?" They all looked at each other until Demetri spoke up, speaking with his usual bluntness. "Aviva you're wearing a short skirt and a tank top. Us losers aren't as acquainted with people dressing like that around us as the popular kids are." I instantly felt my face heat up and I looked down playing with my thumbs as all three of them laughed until the guidance counselor spoke up.

"Cyberbullying is no laughing matter. Sending a cruel message to someone online can be just as hurtful as saying it to their face. I'm not gonna name name's but the other day, a mother called me up because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity." As she finished that sentence I rolled my eyes, knowing how obvious that it was Eli she was talking about. Everyone looked over and started whispering so I put my hand on his shoulder which forced him to look at me, covering his lip. I gave him a small smile before the counselor started speaking again. "But today our goal here is to make this school a safe space for all students." I looked down and started playing with the hem of my skirt, knowing that not only was Eli and many others getting bullied, but that I am still being bullied by kids from my old school.

 "You know if your sick of getting bullied my karate dojo is looking for new recruits." Miguel said which made your head shoot up. "Wait, what? karate?" Eli nodded his head as Demetri then spoke up, "Yeah right. You hear that Eli? A little karate training and your gonna kick some major ass." "Shut the fuck up Demetri. Don't be a douche." I said towards his sarcastic remark. As soon as I finished talking all three of them were looking at me stunned which caused my face to heat up in embarrassment, knowing I never say anything like that. "I'm serious Demetri. My sensei's the real deal and I'm sure I could get you guys discounts." I mean, since I was gonna be getting paid when I started working I could definitely afford to do it without my parents finding out or being pissed about money. "You know as enticing as that sounds. I think we'd rather spend our afternoon's playing Crucible Control than getting hit in the face."

"Speak for yourself Demetri." I say as I look at Miguel. "I'll think about it. Just give me a little bit of time." I finish. He nodded his head and smiled while the counselor kept talking. "One last thing. While we're all looking forward to the Halloween dance. Let's make sure our costumes are culturally sensitive. For example, instead of 'sexy nurse', try ' gender neutral hospital employee'." Everyone in the lunch room laughed at that point including myself knowing I would be dressed up in something flattering not baggy. I leaned over to Eli and whispered, "Wanna help me choose my costume? I already know what but I'm sure there will be a few to choose from." he responded, whispering as well, "Yeah sounds like a plan. Can't wait. After school today?" I nodded as the bell rang, indicating lunch was over and that we all had to go to class.


We walked into the costume store as I dragged Eli over to the female pirate costumes. I looked over at him and said, "Well, what are you waiting for? Go pick two and I'll pick two and then I'll try them on." He laughed and started looking while I instantly grabbed a really cute pirate costume that was a blue and white dress with a grey vest and a pirate hat along with fishnets to go under the dress and the sleeves to the dress were long. I grabbed one that was red and made my way to find Eli, who had two different pirate costumes, one black with stripes and the other was a maroon/red color. He handed me his choices and we went to the dressing rooms. 

I put on the red and maroon costumes which weren't too bad but me and Eli agreed that we didn't like them. I put on the grey one and I thought it looked good. I think Eli did too because when I walked out he instantly started getting red again and said, "I like that one. I think it'll be better then the black one I picked." I nodded my head in agreement and went to change back into my normal clothes.

After we got out of the store he got a call and told me his mom was here and he had to go. I smiled and said, "Thank you for helping me choose. I would've been a goner without you. See you later." and as soon as I finished I gave him a hug and started walking home. I walked through the door taking off my shoes and went to get ready for the dance.




And that was the beginning of episode 3. I'm honestly so surprised at the amount of readers this has. I expected maybe 30 reads. Thank you guys so much for the support! I'm excited to see what ideas I come up with in the future of this book. Make sure to vote so others can find this book and enjoy it as much as you did!



I know this is shorter than my usual chapters but I wanted all the party stuff to fit into one chapter so the next chapter will most likely be bigger.

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