Chapter 31

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Once we get in there, I rest my ankle on the bench I'm sitting on while Daniel sits next to me and Johnny starts pacing. "Sensei, go back to the team. I'm sure Hawk and Miguel need some guidance for their matches." I tell him with a smile, trying to show him it's okay to leave. "You sure, kid?" He asks as he stops pacing. "I'll keep an eye on her." Daniel says while I nod my head to let him know I'm good. Johnny leaves as Daniel and I wait for the medic. About a minute later the medic walks in and get set up. "How's the ankle?" Daniel asked me as a medic sits by my foot. She puts on her gloves and sets her equipment next to her. "I'm sure it's broken or something. It hurts like hell." I said with a laugh trying to take my mind off it.

The medic starts touching my ankle and asking questions to which I answered honestly. "Well, lucky for you, it's just a sprain. But I still think you should elevate it when possible and also ice it. I'm going to wrap it and then we are all set." She says to me before picking up her wrap. As she wraps my ankle, I can hear Miguel's semifinal match going on and which makes me get super antsy, wanting to go cheer on my friend. "Do you guys have crutches? I want to stay for the rest of the tournament and cheer on my team." I ask the medic, hoping they would have some in case of an injury like mine. "Yes we do. And since I'm done I'll go grab them really quick." She says as she puts the wrap back in her bag before quickly exiting the room. "That's 2-1, Diaz!" I hear the ref call as a medic brings in the crutches.

I hop over to her on one foot and grab the crutches. "Thanks, Doc!" I yell as I speed-crutch to the arena, leaving Daniel and the medic in the locker room. "And fight!" The ref says before taking a step back. "Aviva, slow down before you hurt yourself again." Daniel says to me as a crutch my way to the front of my team. "Is it broken?" Johnny asked me, putting a hand on my shoulder. "Only a sprain. Should be good in a few weeks, I think." I said to him before focusing on Miguel's semifinal match. "Go Miggy!" I scream to him as like he dodged Xander's flip kicks. He smirks, hearing me call out to him using the nickname he hates. Xander lands an extremely impressive flip and goes to punch Miguel, Miguel slides out of the way before standing up and kicking him in the side.

"And winner!" The rough announces, grabbing and raising Miguel's hand before Xander and him shake hands. "Yes, Miguel! Nice!" I yell super excited but not being able to clap or jump because of the crutches. They bow to each other before exiting the mats. "Miguel Diaz is headed to the finals. Next up, Hawk versus Keene." The announcer says as Robbie go onto the mat. "Yeah! Woo hoo!" I yell, trying to be supportive of Robby without angry my fellow Cobras. He made eye contact with me and I nodded, causing him to smile. Hawk and Miguel did their fist bump hand shake before Hawk jumped onto the mat. "Face me. Bow." The ref says as they all bow. "Face each other. Bow." The ref continues to instruct them before the match began.

"Fighting positions! Ready? And fight!" The ref yells causing them to merely go at each other. The first round ended with hawk slamming Robby to the ground. "One point, Hawk." The ref calls out as Hawk steps over Robby, not helping him up. Since Hawk decided to flip the script he's become a serious hothead. All of a sudden Daniel yells out to Robby. "Remember what you learned, Robby!" He says which caused Robby's head to flick up, listening to what Daniel said. Robby closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He pushes his hands down, using them as a motion to push away any outside interference to his concentration. I smiled, knowing he was thinking about our time training together.

"Okay, fighting positions!" The ref states putting his hand between them. "Ready? And fight!" The ref says, stepping back and putting his hand back to his side. Robby had his eyes closed as he calmed himself but Hawk still made his move. Sending a forward kick to Robby, Hawk failed as Robby's eyes shot open and blocked his kick. He then backed up and prepared for Hawk's next attack. Hawk tried another kick, which Robby blocked and then countered with a punch. Hawk ducked under the punch but was then met with Robby's foot to his face, knocking him to the ground. "Stop!" The ref called out ready to give Robby his point. "One point, Keene." The ref, announces as he taps Robby's side, signifying to stand down and go back to starting positions.

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