10-Birthday Girl

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Previously on Charlie's Furies

Once we were all greeted, she laid in the middle of us beside Rih and began to talk about how her fake work day went while I laid on Rih's chest and Lauren laid on Bey's. She asked us what all did we do today and we all quickly lied and said nothing which made Bey suspicious, but she eventually let it slide.

We stayed like this in the bed for a good 45 minutes until we all decided to get up and get dressed so that we could go out and actually do something for the rest of the day. Along the way, Bey kept trying to figure out and pry out of us what we all got her for her birthday and after many failed attempts, she eventually gave up and let us continue with surprising her.


September 4th

It was bright and early in The morning and Lo, Rih and I had all chosen to wake up earlier than Bey so we could start her birthday off with something special. Lauren and I both laid on her chest and watched the blonde peacefully sleep with a content smile on her face as she had her arms wrapped around us loosely for comfort.

"She's so pretty when she's sleeping" Lauren whispered in adornment of her girlfriend. I nodded in agreement and Lo caressed Bey's cheek sweetly. While we continued to lay on Beyoncé, Rih came in with a gold circular cake that was embellished with metallic B's and sparklers all around it.

"I'll go ahead and do the honors" Lauren giggled out before she put her hand on Bey's chest and rubbed it while she started sucking on Bey's neck slowly.

"Mmmm" Bey mumbled as she stirred in her sleep and Lauren only giggled into her neck and continued sucking on the length of Bey's neck.

"Wake up daddy" Lauren whispered in her ear cheerfully as she rubbed Bey's neck and chest before kissing her ear and down the length of her neck.

"Mmm Lo you better stop before you wake the dragon" Bey mumbled warningly in her deep, raspy morning voice as she stirred awake and hugged Lo and I's bodies tighter to her. She groaned again to wake up more until her eyes finally opened, revealing her amber irises that were starting to brighten the longer she kept her eyes open.

"Happy birthday baby" Lauren voiced before kissing her pulse point sweetly and Bey smiled before she turned and kissed her cheek.

"Thank you Princess" she responded before she turned to me and kissed my forehead.

"Happy birthday Bey" I lowly told her and she quickly told me thank you in return before kissing my cheek.

When she finally focused forward and saw Rih with a cake in her hand, she smiled widely which made Rih smile as she walked over to the bed and leaned over to kiss Bey's lips.

"Happy birthday bestie" She told her with a giggle which made Bey laugh at the choice of greeting.

"Thank you bestie" she responded as she unhooked her arms from around Lauren and I so she could stretch out. After she finished, she wanted everyone to come sit together so she put Lauren and I on her stomach and lap with Lauren behind me and me in front while Rih sat by the headboard behind Bey who was sitting in between her legs and laying her head on her stomach.

"You're already basking in your birthday privileges" Rih smirked and chuckled out while Bey laughed and gave a smirk back.

"I get this everyday, what you talking 'bout? Don't act like you and Lo don't love being hung on me. I just like the extra treatment I get on my birthday" she answered unapologetically and Rih only rolled her eyes and grinned.

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