12-Initiation Pt. 1

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Please read until the very end because I have a really important announcement at the end of the chapter babes!! ❤️

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Previously on Charlie's Furies

"Let's get out of here. In a few hours, all of this will disappear and all of these wrongdoers or better yet what's left of them will vanish from existence without a single trace" Bey acknowledged and I nodded to show my understanding while telling her okay before she got mad.

"You did wonderful for your first shadow. It won't be long before you're fully one of us..." she trailed off as she wrapped an arm around my waist with Lauren coming onto the other side and doing the same as we all walked together out of the building linked together.

Tonight felt incredibly unreal and to be honest, it probably wouldn't fully hit me until later after some sleep, but for now I was just in a submissive daze as I let them guide me through all of what is supposed to be my soon to be forever....

This is really the beginning.....


Omniscient POV

Nicki laid sound asleep as the girls all prepared to awaken her for the start of her big day. It was finally here and the girls were very excited that today she'd finally become fully one of them and would finally fulfill her spot as the fourth and final Furie amongst them.

While the initiation ceremony wouldn't be until tonight, there were still steps leading up to it that needed to be fulfilled during the day and since initiation day is always held on October 31st, it set the vibes of the day better as it was one of the only days where dark energy was more prominent in the world.

This morning, the girls all woke up before Nicki so that they could get everything ready for the beginning of the day and with everything in place, it was now time to wake up the woman of the hour.

When they entered into Nicki's bedroom where they all chose to sleep last night, they saw her peacefully sleeping in the middle of the bed on her stomach like a baby which made all of the girls pout because before they left she was snuggled with Lauren on the right side of the bed while Bey and Rih slept together on the left.

"She's so cute" Lauren voiced sweetly as the other two nodded and began to walk over to the bed to pull the covers off of her without waking her up. Which led to Nicki stirring in her sleep and groaning unconsciously before going back to her peaceful slumber. Her sleep attire consisted of a thin blue camisole and some fuzzy sleep shorts with stars on them that the girls thought were the cutest.

The girls then crawled onto the bed and surrounded Nicki as they began to wake her up. The two doms began kissing up her back slowly until they reached her neck.

"Time to wake up babygirl" Bey huskily voiced in her ear as she and Rih kissed her neck innocently while Lauren rubbed her butt slowly.

"Mmm" Nicki stirred in her sleep as the girls all chuckled as they continued to wake her up.

"Come on lil bit, wake up for us" Rih softly voiced in her ear as she continued to kiss on her neck and ear with Bey to pull Nicki out of her sleep. Lauren then soothingly trailed her hands up under Nicki's tank top and rubbed her back slowly while the two doms continued to call Nicki.

"You gotta wake up mamas" Bey chuckled out as she rubbed her shoulder and Nicki then groaned and slightly wiggled in her sleep before the stimulation from all three of them made her eyes flutter open as she became conscious.

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