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Previously on Charlie's Furies

"Now all we have to do is pay for our stuff and meet up with Bey and Rih while acting like nothing happened" Lauren instructed as I nodded and gave her my stack of lingerie sets. She kissed me one last time, making the innocent blush return to rise on my face as she took my hand and led me out of the dressing room.

We didn't even get a good step through the threshold of the room before we both stopped dead in our tracks like a set of stunned deer in headlights from the sight of both Rihanna and Beyoncé sitting in front of the door; their arms crossed tightly and legs crossed in expectance of us with their faces adorned by two angrily dominant and incredibly scary looks on them. I had no words and was scared for my life, but Lauren just quickly cleared her throat and smiled innocently.

"Heeeeeeey my loves" she strung out charmingly and in my panicking head I just knew that I was gonna die today....


"What're you guys doing here? I thought y'all were busy elsewhere?" Lauren asked nonchalantly, but I could hear that the pitch of her voice had risen out of surprise.

"We've been calling you to tell you that Bey was finished looking and shopping, but you weren't answering so we got worried and decided to come find you" the Bajan answered with dominance in her voice as she kept her focus on the woman beside me.

"Come here Ren" Beyoncé gritted out lowly as she beckoned Lauren to her with her finger.

"One sec baby. Let me just pay for this stuff and I'll be ready to go" Lauren replied quickly with a innocent smile as she continued to hide our stuff in her hand and attempted to speed walk past the dominating women before her. I say attempted because she got maybe two steps in front of Beyoncé where freedom was in reach before Beyoncé reached around and grabbed her neck from the front; choking her dominantly and halting Lauren dead in her tracks as the brown eyed woman was pulled to be face to face with the blonde.

"Didn't I just say come here? Did I or did I not Nicole?" Beyoncé gritted it angrily and Lauren's eyes fearfully widened like saucers once she heard the switch of nickname that Bey had just called her.

"Answer me!" Beyoncé growled out lowly in front of her while choking her harder and Lauren bit the inside of her cheek submissively in return before speaking.

"You did Daddy" she answered quietly in obedience and Beyoncé only put her nose against Lauren's and chuckled.

"So why didn't you follow directions like I asked you to? Hm?"

"I-I don't know" Lauren choked out as she tried to be docile.

"Oh you know why Nicole. That innocent act isn't fooling anyone and you know it. Just like you know why your ass is grass as soon as we get home" the blonde spat evilly as she tilted Lauren's chin up to give her no choice but to look Beyoncé in the eye. The color drained from Lauren's face as she stayed speechless and regretful.

"Let's talk about this baby" Lauren pleaded in a rush as she looked like she was backpedaling.

"Sure. Let's talk about how you two tried to secretly break a rule without us finding out THEN tried to escape from the consequences. I know it was you who started it all Ren and for that, you're getting it worse than Nicki when we get home" Beyoncé fired back dominantly before she released Lauren's neck and cupped her chin.

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