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I decided to give y'all an update for this book this week. I love(d) the engagement on the prologue so please keep it up and thank you for voicing y'all's support of this book. I really appreciate it and would love for it to continue. ❤️❤️

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Previously on Charlie's Furies

It's quiet tonight; not even a breeze rustles the dying leaves. And yet, a soft wind is disturbing the flame of the black candle I've placed in front of my open window. A low, sweet voice floats on the breeze, speaking an old language, and feathers flutter in the dark just past my line of vision.

I was never the type to join a sorority. But I think there might be something to this whole sisterhood thing after all...


The soft voices soon invaded my dorm, whirling around my hobbit sized living space as the dark, whispy feathers swarmed through the window in a light frenzy. Suddenly all of the lights cut off and I was left with the faint shadows of the surrounding feathers and the sound of the ancient language lowly traveling from one ear to the next, tickling the shell of my ear and causing goosebumps to rise. The room became filled with such peacefully chaotic noises and soon the swarm of shadows seemed to create a barrier around me. I wore a mixture of fear and interest on my face and while in the dark, my eyes couldn't stay pointed towards one area. A loud bang went off in the room, making me almost jump out of my skin before my interest was peaked from seeing the swarm of feathers flock together to create a large black clump that created a cyclone of black smoke.

I was completely frozen in place, not wanting to move and disrupt whatever the hell was taking place in my room. The low, sweet voice loudened almost to a deafening point before all the feathers dispersed, the voice stopped altogether and the black smoke cleared up, leaving only a shadowy figure in its place. I abruptly slid to the headboard of the bed in hopes to create as much distance from the unknown figure.

"It's okay Onika. It's just me" she spoke, voice soft as she used her hands to illuminate her face, revealing brown-eyes in her naturally radiant state.

"Uhhh that's still quite scary given that I know what you did"

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"Uhhh that's still quite scary given that I know what you did"

"Those people deserved it after what they did to your twin. Our deeds are not done out of spite, but out of wanting justice for those that have been betrayed or hurt"

"What exactly are you?"

"All will be explained in due time, but for now think of us as supernatural beings who are called upon to deliver justice to those who've done wrong"

"W-Where are your friends?"

"My frien-OH! They've been summoned by another person in need of our power and couldn't accompany me to your in-person invitation and on behalf of them, they give their deepest apologies for not being present. If you further agree to join us, you'll be able to see them though"

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