9-Pain and Skills

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Previously on Charlie's Furies

Once Beyoncé finished doing what she was doing, I felt her disappear for a short period before I felt the bed dip and her vanilla-y scent waft my nose before opened my legs a little and applied a warm towel in between them to help with my core.

"Take this for me baby" she instructed and I lightly opened my eyes to see her holding an ibuprofen pill in her hand and a glass of water. I let her place the pill in my mouth before I took a sip of the water and let my eyes droop freely again. Beyoncé then put the glass down and walked away before coming back and proceeding to lotion up my body soothingly like a massage before she then disappeared again until the bed dipped once more and her scent flooded my nose as she picked me up some and got in the bed completely where she ended up laying me on her chest and pulling the covers over us.

From there she put my hair into a low, loose ponytail and put my bonnet on gently before she rubbed my back and let me lay my hands on her stomach for comfort as my eyes finally got too heavy to open and my delirium easily drifted me off to sleep....


The morning after

Ohhh when I tell you I slept like an Angel last night. Despite my body feeling like it was in shambles, it was paradoxically the most soothing sleep I've ever gotten. It reminded me of the sleep you get after a whooping from your parents, but only the difference was that the pain I received was due to the most intoxicating pleasure I've ever received thus far.

What was even more eye opening was the relaxing and secured feeling of laying on Beyoncé the whole night while she held me. I never understood the hype of laying on someone's chest at night or cuddling someone in general in bed until I became the trio's girlfriend and after experiencing it, I definitely am a firm believer in the magic that is physical closeness. Her body was a lot bigger than mine in terms of her muscles and height which made me easily slip into her warm embrace and let my delirium take me to dream land.

The more I was with them, the more I learned what it's like to be in a relationship and it felt nice finally having people wanting to hold you, kiss you and show affection even if I wasn't used to it in the slightest. I was becoming more comfortable with them and I was enjoying myself for once which honestly never happened before now. I felt a genuine happiness and although, I have my insecure, timid, scared and apprehensive moments a good majority of the day due to inexperience and adjustment, behind all of that was pure happiness that they were taking the time to work with me and understand me to the point where they genuinely wanted to help me get to know them and help me get used to having people that I could verbally call "mine" (however I haven't let my brain conceptualize that I could do that let alone grow enough courage to say it).

To give a mental picture of how innocent my mind was to just about everything these girls had brought me into (not talking sexually), think of this. Think of a sixth grader who barely talks, wears glasses and lives her life through fantasy books getting a note from the cutest boy in class (or girl in my case) that says "I like you" or "Will you be my girlfriend?". Imagine how giddy that sixth grader will feel especially adding on that said boy (or girl) is someone who she thinks is very cute. Then imagine that note saying "yes or no?" with checkboxes and her going out of her comfort zone and disbelief to check yes and everything after that ends up being apprehensively wonderful for her.

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