2. miracles do happen-I

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I've been sitting all day long in my office, to finalise an employee for supervising the I-O psychology segments. All the people that have applied for a job in my corporation are not exactly what I'm looking for. Those boring rote learnt answers by them are annoying the hell out of me. Usually Marco takes care of interviews but this time I wanted to step in. Sometimes the employer wants to confirm that an applicant is the ideal candidate for the position. The Knight Corporation has been doing great since three years. Things changed a bit when I lost my I-O head. He was already old and wanted to spend the remaining time with his family so I let him resign. And now I need someone to fill his place as soon as possible.

I did my BBA at MIP Milan Polytechnic University. I founded the 'Knight Corporation' when I had just finished my masters at Oxford University. I'm from a wealthy family but I never let it get to my head. Most people think I'm arrogant, ruthless, a playboy and whatnot. That's not true, but I'm not going to confirm or deny the rumours. The media makes any bloody shit from my statements. I know I'm one of the richest people in the world, and that too, self made. I'm good looking, I'm successful but it can get frustrating with paparazzi following me and reporting almost everything I do. My dating life, my relationship with my family and friends, even employees isn't personal anymore. I wish these people knew the meaning of 'PRIVACY'. I always hit the headlines. I've made my donations secret recently because I don't want another article about 'THE BENIGNANT KNIGHT' or 'THE PRODIGAL NICHOLAS'.

I think that's enough interviewing for today. I'm going home. Home- the only place where I get my 'PRIVACY' and calm. A place where someone who loves me is waiting for me to return. To hug me and pepper me with kisses. I must call my driver and let him know that I need to get home right now. I pick up my mobile and call him.

'Lorenzo, bring the car.'

'On it Mr. Knight!'

Lorenzo Romano is one of my father's trusted people along with Marco Ricci. Both are Italian. Lorenzo had been my father's driver for four years, and mine, since five years. Marco has been working for me since I became a magnate. I have many bodyguards, but the one that I trust the most is Taylor. He saved me from an accident once and I offered him a job. Now he's my most relied bodyguard and the head of bodyguards that are working for me. He's also a friend.

Taylor came to me, surrounded by three more bodyguards.

'You ready to face the paparazzi and crowd again?' asked Taylor.

'Have I got a choice?' I questioned and Taylor chuckled.

Camera flashes blinded me as I stepped out of the building. The crowd surrounded me and tried to get me to talk but Taylor and the three bodyguards held them at a distance from me so that I could get into my car.

Usually my cars pick me up from the underground parking lot of my office. But since my now favourite car Bugatty, had gone to the mechanic for servicing, Lorenzo had to bring it from the centre to pick me up and to reduce him the trouble, I told him to wait in front of my office.

Lorenzo came with my Bugatty La Voiture Noire. I seated myself in the back seat, closed my eyes and let out a long sigh. Taylor sat in the passenger seat and the remaining bodyguards in the car behind us.

'Tiring day?' asked Lorenzo.

'Very' I replied without opening my eyes.

*Start playing-Thin White Lies (CALM)- 5 Seconds of Summer

My condo is twenty-five minutes away from my office. I live in one of the modern condos in Knightsbridge. I have a housekeeper—Nina Ross. She's a 58 year old motherly woman. She works at my parents' house but when I bought a condo for myself after starting my company, my parents told her to work for me so that I could at least eat home cooked food.

'We're here' said Lorenzo.

'Home Sweet Home!' I muttered with a sigh and bid Lorenzo and Taylor goodbye.

I entered the lobby and took the lift to my penthouse which is on the 31st floor.

As soon as the door opened I was attacked upon by someone hugging my calves. I picked him up, showered him with kisses and he did the same to me, giggling.

'I missed you, Papà..' he said pouting and trying to be mad at me but failing.

'I missed you too buddy! Papà needs a hug after a tiring day, who'll hug me?'

'I WILL!' he said, his eyes lit up as he hugged me tightly while I did the same.

'Jacob, let your father get fresh first, look at him, all tired my poor Nicholas....' said Nina.

'Kay Nina' said Jacob and went to play.

I thanked Nina. I took a long cold shower which relaxed my muscles instantly and changed into a white t-shirt and dark grey sweatpants and went to the dining room for dinner where Jacob and Nina were already present. As soon as I sat down at the table, Jake climbed on to my lap smiling. I almost squished him in my arms when my cell phone rang. It was Marco.

'Nicholas we've got a perfect candidate for the position! She's from Mumbai and has quite an experience in the field of Industrial-Organisational Psychology. Check out, I just sent you her résumé.'

I kept him on hold and checked the résumé of this so-called person Marco sent. I've interviewed people more experienced than her but her résumé is pretty good and she's just 22 years old. If she gets this job, maybe she can work here for a long time and I won't have to find another candidate for this job anon. Perks of being young.

'Call her Marco. She's hired' I said and ended the call.

Lastly my eyes fell on to her photo. I guess miracles do happen. I really hope she ends up working here. I want her to work for me.

8th January, 2021.



*Dancing like Joey Tribbiani*💃🏻

EASTER EGG ALERT Y'ALL! (see if you can find it in this chapter *wink wink*)

I would have changed his entry but nevermind, I can give him a dashing entry next time ofc!😚

Just felt like sitting in front of my P.C and making myself blind, and also tiring myself more after a long day (my eyes and my body, especially my shoulders hurt so much now)🙇🏻‍♀️😞

🎊*Pats my own back*🎊

Hope you enjoyed this chapter as I've elaborated so much here so DON'T SKIP ANY PART OF THIS CHAPTER!.... and don't forget to vote and comment to lemme know how you'll found this chapter!!

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Be safe, social distancing, wear a mask😷, wash your hands 👐🏻and have a great day! 💁🏻‍♀️👍🏻✨

- sharvari.

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