3. miracles do happen-II

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I had filled some job applications online the day I got my post graduation certificate. Almost all companies were from Mumbai except one. Knight Corporation-London based Multinational Company initiated by Nicholas Knight at just 23 years of age. In the article itself it was written how wealthy the Knights were, still Nicholas Knight built his own company from scratch. And how within the span of three years the corporation skyrocketed. God knows what I was thinking while filling a job application form for this enterprise. Even though I've done two years of internship for I-O Psychology, I am a tyro when it comes to working in a prominent corporation, and that too a multinational one. Never mind, at least I tried doing the impossible even though I'm not going to get the satisfied result. Still, it doesn't hurt to have high hopes and wish that I turn out to be lucky.

Right now I'm going to my cousin's wedding. We're late as usual, the credits go to my father. All I want to say to him like Chandler Bing is, 'Could you be anymore late?' I love F.R.I.E.N.D.S is an understatement. You can ask my family, they know how obsessed I'm with this sitcom. I even went with Kevin to watch the 'Central Perk Couch' when it was brought to Mumbai last year. Unfortunately we didn't get to take any pictures with the couch as it was raining cats and dogs leading the people there to cover the couch and we were getting late, so we left for our homes. I still hope that I get the chance to visit New York and the F.R.I.E.N.D.S apartment there along with Kevin and Kalki.

Oh where were we? At my cousin's wedding, right. The wedding was over when we arrived. Some last mantras were being said by the Pandit and the people were dispersed around, least interested in the rites happening near them. I went to find my maternal cousins as this was one of my maternal cousin's wedding, all my cousins from my mother's side were bound to be here. I found them with my mavshis in the bride's room. Gosh I missed them so much! We laughed and had fun and were very eager to stuff ourselves silly (some food items in weddings can taste really good) but some more wedding rites were remaining and so, we were supposed to wait. That's why these are called 'The Big Fat Indian Weddings', they go on for days these ceremonies. Oh how the people rushed to get their bellies full after the event ended! You get to eat varieties of ice-creams in weddings which is my favourite part; like today I ate cassatas and scoops of various ice-cream flavours that I don't remember. It was late night when the whole function ended. We all were sleepy and worn out and I just wanted to lay down as soon as possible but to no avail! The 'Relatives' were chatting with each other bidding their last, long goodbyes for the time being while my phone rang. I was so whacked out that I picked up the call without even looking at the caller name.

*Start playing-Look Up At The Stars (Wonder)- Shawn Mendes


'Hello, is this Ms. Sharu Deshmukh?' asked the voice with an unknown accent.

'Speaking, who's this?'

'My name is Marco Ricci, I interview candidates for jobs in the "Knight Corporation" in London and we came upon your résumé. You have applied for the head of I-O Psychology in our company right? Well I bear good news! You're hired! We want you to join us in two days!' said the man speaking excitedly on the other side.

'WHAT? Are you bloody serious? Sorry, excuse my language, but how do I know that this isn't some prank call? And if this is real, I'll have to find a place to stay in London which I've not done yet! I've just one day! This is just so rapid! I've to talk to my parents and hear their say in this! I need more time if I you can give! Also, you didn't even interview me!'

'Don't worry this isn't a prank call!' said Mr. Marco Ricci laughing. 'We have sent you an official letter accepting your application on email one hour ago, I reckon you haven't checked your emails yet? And don't worry about your stay in London, there are flats for our foreign employees to stay, courtesy of our company. All you have to do is say yes and pack your things in your bags. Isn't one day enough for all that? And you can definitely check out our website for further queries and proofs, also you have my number, so call me if you have any more doubts and even our website has my number if you think I am a fraud. Hope your parents agree to send you to work for our company and I also hope to hear from you tomorrow as soon as possible because we are short of time. Also, you have to officially reply to our email as proof whether you are accepting or declining the job offer from us. And don't worry about your interview as the orders to hire you came from above.'

'I-, er...all right....! I will check with the website for further issues and call you tomorrow after discussing this whole situation with my parents. Thank you for calling me! Good night!'

'You are welcome! Please remember that this is a golden opportunity and you wouldn't want to miss it! You too have a good night Ms. Deshmukh' said Mr. Marco Ricci and he ended the call.

I felt so numb with excitement and shock. I guess miracles do happen. I wish tomorrow the talk with my parents goes well. And if all goes well, then I'll be the new head of I-O Psychology Division at the Knight Corporation. What exactly made the person who hired me intent, on hiring me without even meeting me? I'm going to keep rambling in my mind right now and it indicates that I really need to get a good night's sleep.

9th January, 2021.

WE ARE TRENDING 3rd in #interfaith !!!!

Just felt like writing another chapter for you'll till my back and shoulders gave away and my eyes hurt, you're welcome for the surprise update!

Plz bear with the start of the chapter... at least you got to know some info. bout Sharu didn't u?
And the call in the end is going to be life changing for her!



*mavshi/मावशी - maternal aunts in Marathi.

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- sharvari.

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