5. Knight Corporation, here I come!

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After Mr. Nicholas Knight persuaded my parents and they agreed, I conference called my three friends—Kalki, Kevin and Shirin. I went deaf in the middle of the call because all I could hear were screams after I told my friends what had happened. Literally ear-splitting screams. And now we all knew that I didn't had much time with them, so Kalki and Shirin insisted on going to last-minute shopping. Kevin agreed to join us and even my parents allowed me to spend some time with my friends but, I had to be home early.

Kalki and Shirin shopped for me while Kevin and I followed them. I don't hate shopping, or maybe I do, I don't know. But it's really tiring to check out maximum shops for certain things even though I want to buy them.

'Can we act like we got separated and go chill somewhere else?'

'We wish Kev' I said laughing lightly.

Kevin and I were sitting inside H&N with my head laying on his shoulder and his head laying on my head. Suddenly I heard a loud growling noise and Kevin sat up straight.

'That's it. My belly needs food and I won't stall him. KALKI! SHIRIN! I NEED FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! IT'S BEEN SO BLOODY LONG SINCE YOU BOTH ARE SHOPPING. IF YOU DON'T GET YOUR ASSES HERE RIGHT NOW, YOU'LL FIND SHARU AND I MIA!' he yelled getting us unwanted attention from the strangers around us. I covered my mouth to avoid laughing, because Kevin was literally chafed right now.

Kalki and Shirin sprinted towards us wide-eyed because when Kevin needs food, he needs it. They gave us their sorries and were already following a vamoosing Kevin who was pulling me with him to the food court. We sat in a booth. I was sitting next to Kevin as Kalki hauled me up beside her.

'Finally I can have you to me! Spend a little time with your other best friends Shars! And stop glaring at me Kev, you and Sharu were literally stuck to each other like gum. Don't try to replace her Inu. Also, let Shirin and I too, spend the last few minutes with her!' said Kalki making Kevin throw a tissue paper ball at her.

I was still standing, looking at Ki and Kev banter when I was pulled around and hugged by someone. He was someone bigger than me, a boy and a total stranger and I was shocked so I did the first thing that came to my mind. I pushed him off me and gave his cheek a tight slap. Thank God our booth was secluded or else people would've been staring at us. The only people staring at us were my friends with shock evident on their faces.


'ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?' yelled that person. Hearing the voice which I had missed so much made me look at my 'hugger' carefully and I realised my mistake.

'OH SHIT!' I said wide-eyed and my hands automatically flew to my mouth.

'Shit indeed' he said still clutching his cheek and rubbing it lightly. I looked at him warily. He was really standing in front of me.

'ISHAN FREAKING MALIK!' exclaiming, I flung my arms around his neck and hugged him as he tightened the hug and almost picked me up.

'I missed you so much Ishu!' I whispered to him and got out of the hug while his arms stayed around me and he looked at me with an unknown emotion crossing his eyes.

'I missed you so much more Soldier' he said, using his pet name for me.

'Hello? We too are here. What a slap Sharu' said a grinning Kevin.

Ishan chuckled and went to give him a bro hug while I smiled sheepishly. Then he went to hug Kalki and Shirin and everybody sat down. I was sitting between Ishan and Kalki while Shirin and Kevin were sitting in front of us.

'When did you come back, Aussie?' Shirin asked, poking fun at Ishan.

'My flight hit Mumbai today at 2:00 a.m. and as soon as I reached home, I jumped on to my bed and slept till noon. I called Shirin and Kalki and asked them what they were up to without informing them I had come back. They told me that Sharu was departing today and all of you were meeting her before she left for London tonight. I decided to surprise her and you guys as well.' He then looked at me. 'Thank goodness I came back today. Now I can bid goodbye to my favourite person along with you guys. Congratulations my dear Sharu for your new job, I'm extremely happy for you!'

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