4. can't wait to meet you

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One day. One bloody day more and I'll meet the new leader of our I-O segments. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm getting very restless to meet her. Now now, it's not like what you all are thinking. This is an important job. She's going to have responsibilities here as the head. People are going to work under her and she's supposed to guide them. This job, is HUGE. I just hope she's the ideal choice for this job. And as she's 22 years old, she has time and can be in my enterprise for a long haul. All she has to do now is accept the job proposition.

'You look whipped!' said an enthusiastic voice that I know very well.

'Get lost Davies' I said to him.

Sebastian Davies. My best pal since we were babies. Cliché much? Yep. We've done all the things that best friends do together. We've been in each other's gaiety as well as hardships. We both are like the brothers we never had to each other. Seb is the owner of Davies&Co. and a billionaire just like me.

'Take a chill pill mate no need to snap at an innocent soul like me!'

'Innocent? You're the most dirty minded shit I've ever known!' I told him with an amused look.

'Hey! I'm no celibate and I've freedom of talking, imagining, thinking—' continued Seb but I interrupted him.

'Shut up Seb. What's up with you showing at my office suddenly?'

'What, I can't come to meet my best mate? Don't give me that look I'm spilling! I heard some birdie talk about a new employee, who's a fine 22 year old Indian lady—'

'Stop right there! You're so not getting involved with her!' I exclaimed.

'And as you know how beautiful Indian women are—'

'Sebastian Davies' I said, to stop his rambling and he gave me a vicious look.

'FINE. But, you can't deny the beauty of Indian Women. And, I'll try a little to stop myself from dating her.'

'You're going to try VERY HARD to stop yourself from dating her' I said to him, giving him a pointed look. He gave me a bored look and then suddenly got excited.

'Oh! Now I know why you want me to leave her alone! Because YOU, are interested in her! That is why I said to you that you look whipped. You're one self-seeking prick Mr. Knight' Seb said giving me a teasing look.

'Are you done? God knows which "Birdie" told you about her but let me clear this. She's going to be an employee here. We'll be having nothing apart from a professional relationship. And, I don't want a wanker like you to scare her off even before she joins my company.'

'WHAT? I'm not going to scare her off! I'm a very handsome man who has dirty blonde hair, grey eyes, is six feet one inch tall and I go to gym without fail! You're so mean!' He was interrupted by a knock on my door.

I allowed the person to come inside. Marco entered my office cabin and was smiling wide. He looked like a kid who's given a lot of candies on Halloween. He sat opposite to me and gave me his company mobile. Yes he has two mobile phones, one for the company work and one for his private work.

'You won't believe what I just heard!' said Marco all excited.

'You're finally going clubbing with me?' asked Seb, grinning.

'I don't think so and I told you that's a bad idea. This is about Ms. Sharu Deshmukh. She's ready to work here! However her parents are yet to give their say in this matter and also, they aren't very sure about their daughter's safety. So I've to wait from booking a ticket for her in business class to the next flight to London which will be in five hours' said Marco and showed me the online to be booked flight ticket on his company mobile phone.

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