The News

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Setting: Marshall and Paul are at Marshall's mansion in Detroit watching the news in his living room

 *TMZ Reporter on TV*

"So everyone is trying to figure out who this new song is about. It's not the first time superstar Eminem has put out a song about his relationships but this time is different. While his songs are usually about relationships gone wrong, this NEW song is about this new picture perfect relationship he's in. Now fans speculate: will Em finally expose whoever it is that he's dating?"

Marsh and Paul are watching the news coverage as Paul scrolls through his phone, reading tweets out loud.

"Em has a legit girlfriend!? 😲"

"Nooo that means he's off the market"

"Who is she?"

"@eminem who's your new bae"

Paul chuckled, "Maaaannnn with all this hype around it you might actually have to tell your fans about Stephany."

"Shiit I know. That's what I'm worried about." Marsh replied, still watching the report.

"You dont want to tell em do you?"

"I mean. It's not that I wouldn't like to be open about it it's just that I'm worried it'll mess stuff up."

"Well why don't you just ask her?"

"If it'll mess stuff up?"

"No I mean just ask her if she would be okay with you revealing who she is. And if she's not then leave it at that but if she IS, we gotta do something big to reveal it."

"Why does it always have to be something big?"

"Because this is a big deal to your fans. You're finally coming out and saying you're in a happy relationship. We should make the reveal a big deal."

"Like what? We throw a whole party or something??"

"No that'd be stupid... hey."


"What if... you did a music video for the song and you put her in it but it's actually her. Not an actress playing her. Have it revealed by the music video! It'll hype your video up so it gets a  lot of views and then it's more of a private thing. You never have to go out in public or anything."

A smile crept across Marsh's face "Now that is definitely more my style."

"You know you want to make your relationship public. So why not do it now?"

"You know what. I dig it. Let's do it. But only if she wants to."

"Why dont you call her up right now?"

"Nah I'm not gonna do it over the phone. I'll ask her when she gets back here."

*later that day*

Marshall's ears perked up as he heard keys being put into the lock. He sat up and watched as his now long term girlfriend walked into the doorway with her long chestnut brown hair going down her back. Her sweet smile beamed at him as she saw him sitting there waiting for her.

Marshall's smile grew as Stephany immediately joined him on the couch for a deep kiss. Their lips locked and he felt like he was transported to some place more peaceful. He took in the smell of her sweet perfume she pulled him in a bit closer. She eventually laid out on top of him while they continued to kiss before finally settling down and snuggling into each others arms.

"Have you seen all the buzz about your song?" Steph asked while rubbing her finger tips across his beard.

"Yeah I have. These people are going crazy. Could you image if people reacted like this every time someone got into a relationship?" Marsh joked

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