Sex Scene

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In the same room where the breakfast had been set up there was now an arrangement of different healthy finger foods, sandwiches, fruit, and things of the sort for them to chow down on. It was a late lunch but Marshall surprisingly wasn't all that hungry. He ate about a half a plate of food and found himself full soon after.

"You don't like it?" Dre asked referring to his plate

"No I do. I guess I'm just not craving it."

Dre gave him a concerned look

"Nah I'm serious. I'm really just not super hungry."

Marshall sat there on his phone and went between texting Whitney to see how she was doing and reading the plethora of texts sent by Steph. They were all about how sorry she was and how much she loved him. Blah blah blah. Bullshit. He tried not to let it anger him but he couldn't help it. He typed out a long ass response and read it over before sending it. Marsh flinched as he felt something touching his lip. He looked over and noticed Dre had peeled a banana and was now trying to get him to take a bite.

"Ah." Dre said while poking him with it

"Dre I'm serious I'm not hungry." Marsh said with a still irritated tone

Dre met his irritated tone with a pissed off look  but put it down as he requested. Marshall took another look at the text and decided instead to delete it and block her number. He locked his phone and sat it down on the table.

"Alright. Gimme it." Marshall said with his hand reached out to Dre

Dre handed it to him and he decided he might as well eat it. As he chewed he sat there thinking. Dre had just saved him from potentially making a mistake. Fuck that bitch. She didn't even deserve his replies. He decided to eat a little bit more while Dre sat there pleased that he was eating. Once they finished lunch they continued to sit there for a second to give it a minute to digest.

"Alright Allan, so how is this gonna go?" Marshall asked

"It's simple actually. We're going to do mainly bed shots so that you guys can be covered by blankets. I still want you guys naked though so that it looks more realistic. As for what positions we do is kinda up to you guys. I wrote down a few basic positions, some of which involve shots on maybe your guys asses but that's it. Nothing else in terms of private parts showing. Then if you or I think of any other creative shots we'll go ahead and play around. You guys are really going to have to sell it with your expressions and make it look legit. I'm going to go help them set up the lighting but it will be just me working the camera again. So just meet me in there whenever you guys are ready."

Dre waited until it was just them in the room before speaking up again. "I dunno if I can do that."

"What do you mean?" Marshall asked panicked. Was he seriously about to back out now at the most important scene.

"I mean I don't know if I can do the expressions and all that shit. I'm not a good actor like you are."

Marshall sighed in relief "it's not hard to act like you're having sex Dre, I promise you. It's probably the easiest form of acting because you ain't gotta talk or nothing."

"You're really not nervous at all huh?"

"I mean. Yes but no. I just gotta be use to being naked on camera again."

"See I've never been naked on camera before though. At least not doing videos that the public would see."

Marshall was a bit surprised. "You got some videos you ain't told me about?"

"You don't remember that interview Snoop and I did a while back and we talked about how someone took a 'private video' from my collection during a house party."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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