Chapter 14, The Angelic Verses

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Where does it go from here? What will emerge from what is? From Now? Impossible to predict with certainty, yet inevitable as the ticking of a clock, the emergence of what is from what may be is the basis of time.

So that was it. The shamans had penetrated to the central mystery of existence. And it hadn't done them much good. They should have known it wouldn't. For the physical universe had never been about the past. It had always been about the future, about the unknown, not the known.

One thing they had learned was that in the light of the material world there is a darkening of the spirit. There was a progression from the original light of spirit into the darkness of material existence and into the light of spirit again. Fundamental truth is in the underlying awareness of one's spiritual light.

The material realm becomes an aberration when the natural link to the spirit is lost. In all of nature, only those spirits who think of themselves as part of the material world can fall into the misconception that the material is all there is. Those who learn that spiritual existence continues between physical incarnations draw closer to the light of the Creator.

I. It is said that before the beginning the Creator created himself, pure thought from pure thought. Because there was nothing else, this thought was infinite, with no limits, no boundaries. There was nothing but thought, the infinite possibilities of thought.

II. The Creator knowing all knew that among the infinite possibilities of thought there were similarities that would link possibilities one to another, and to another, step by step, until all possibilities would be linked together, creating connections, creating a network.

III. In the beginning the Creator knew there were no paths through this network, no connections defined. No links. Not one. Not yet. That is what made it the beginning. The Creator thinking this thought created time.

IV. By the nature of infinity even the Creator could not traverse all the thought-paths through the network in a finite amount of time. Knowing that by starting on more than one path at a time multiple paths would appear, the Creator divided off from his infinite Allness an infinite number of individual spirits. To each spirit he assigned a thought event and the purpose to choose from all related thought events a single one to move to. And from there to another.

V. On this journey these spirits defined step by step an infinite number of actual paths through the infinite possibilities. The Creator was pleased, for in his infinite wisdom he knew that what was important was not the destination, but the journey. Each journey became a thought-path, the light of awareness that linked each spirit to the Creator.

VI. Because there were similarities, the thought-paths of different spirits would often cross, or run side by side. Through this each spirit would learn not just its own path but nearby paths as well. Would learn to consider each group of paths, each collective history, to be a universe of thought.

VII. History is memory, memory history, establishing precedents, implying future choices. Where there is agreement, precedents exist. Future possibilities become probabilities become the reality of Now.

VIII. Shared spirit histories, agreements in the realm of thought, were precedents that became entanglements, became the material universe, at first a universe of pure energy. One of the precedents from the early universe was that an energy universe would expand, making space where complex patterns could persist. The material universe expanded, its energy condensed into lower energy forms. The energy universe became a matter universe as well.

IX. Access to infinite thought is limited by awareness to awareness. Struggling for survival of material patterns, spirits partition infinite awareness to material awareness, creating better focus, less distraction.

X. The first organized spirits, the Angels of Light, developed a material realm. This became a realm of energy bodies, without restraint on their design, redefining them at will. Invested in this realm these embodied spirits enjoyed playing Next Now with each other, doing things in the energy realm that were challenging to them.

XI. With this new affinity for games with other spirits came the building of adventure realms. Learning to play as teams, they challenged other teams to create the next Now. There was always a Now, and many next Nows to anticipate, to choose among.

XII. Most spirit beings chose to remain high energy beings. Some learned to use low energy condensates to create new kinds of material beings constructed of these condensates.

XIII. Survival as these new material beings required environments where low energy particles could concentrate. Favorable concentrations such as suns and planets offered opportunities.

XIV. Various versions of this survival struggle played out across the worlds. New patterns of life, new mutual agreements, new precedents, evolved.

XV. Increasingly the struggle required more focus, more awareness of the local physical environment, and less awareness of its spiritual source. The Angels of Light fell into this trap. Later, the Annunaki would do the same.

XVI. As expansion continued and energy became energy less concentrated, the Angels of Light, the energy beings, were less able to create new beings like themselves, less able to define their own energy patterns. Many chose to remain in the high energy realm, perceiving the lower realm darkly.

XVII. Many chose to remain in the high energy realm, perceiving the lower realm darkly. Some chose to inhabit the new lower realm where they could now create new forms for themselves. In this new realm, the realm they came from became dark to them.

XVIII. In this darkness they lost almost all understanding of their past higher realm. Long ages would pass before there arose a new form of life that could see into that darkness.

XIX. Some material beings regained understanding of the old higher realm from which their lower world had created itself. These would include the shamans, who knew the attraction of their world for spirits had been the intensity of action at play there.

XX. These shaman spirits of the lower realm were able to see the old Angels of Light. They were seen only darkly, their light energy hard to perceive from the lower realm. In spirit dreams they could be seen more clearly.

XXI. The old Angels could not easily see the new lower order. They were attuned to their own higher band. The expectation of the shamans was that every being was in essence the same, a spirit by nature. Knowing this common source, knowing they were all thoughts in the mind of the Creator, allowed them to hope that this ultimate truth would in time dissolve all confusions.

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