Chapter One

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(Jamie up above 🍌🍌🍌 (I was to lazy to find the up emoji))

(I don't know the person, I didn't ask for permission to use their picture, I don't know if they are a minor if so I'm sorry I simply found the image online- I'm sorry if this is you or someone you know I don't mean to offend anyone, if you are them or know them and have proof and ask me to take it down I will happily :)) )


I look up, then to the papers. Apparently these people, they have adopted me. Two months ago actually. They fostered me while they were out of state in their vacation home. They saw me one day wandering around, I'd ran away from the orphanage and collapsed by the ocean nearby, while Mr.Thomason was taking a walk he found me and brought me back to their home. They extended their stay for me, and they have to go home today. Apparently they own a company, and have been electing their duties, driving back and forth some days just to make sure I'm happy, who cares that much about a teenage stray omega? Are they planning to sell me or something? I packed my bags a week ahead, I've been dreading this day. I thought I was going back to that.. terrible place.To my surprise instead, instead of being dragged out of here while they watch before heading home to their family, I woke up to a envelope on my chest. I was scared that they hadn't even reported it and left me to die but, they told me to be ready to go home tonight they had errands to run throughout the day, and they would be home by tonight and asked me to be ready.

I don't know if I'll be accepted is all. I get up, pulling on a gold tank top, black cardigan, black leggings and finally gold and black plaid converse. I look myself over, letting a sigh escape me walking into the bathroom putting on chapstick and some eyeliner. I get my bags and take them down to the door sitting on the couch relaxing smiling, my cat jumping on my lap. We saw her in a pet shop, she was so beautiful and very friendly but nobody bought her so they were about to throw her out. I didn't expect to be able to keep the little feline, but they wouldn't let me take her to a shelter, they told me as long as I took care of her they'd buy the supplies for me. I bite my lip petting the kitten, her names Rain, I call her raincloud sometimes. I pull out my phone going through it dozing off soon after curling up with the small kitten in my arms.

I wake up looking around as we pull into what seemed to be a McD's yawning, stretching out in the weird portable bed they have listening to my bones pop shuddering from the pleasurable feeling. They saw this weird car bed thing on Instagram a month or two ago, actually a few I think and decided to buy it. It's just a air mattress with two air cushions to hold it up, there was cup holders and stuff on it. Alina or as she likes being called 'mom' or Misses Thomason was curled up next to me her arms loosely holding onto my waist holding me close to her. "Hey.." I mumble, 'Dad' looks back and smiles waving. He orders us all some things, Alina getting up front. Jackson or Mr.Thomason handing me my usual, a Dr.Pepper, small chocolate shake, large fry and a double cheeseburger. I ate half the cheese burger and the shake was to dip my fries in. The actual drink I'd drink was my Dr.Pepper.

I smile, finishing most my food setting the rest in the bag for later watching the two as I lean back against the seat pulling the blanket over my legs. We chat, I fall asleep an hour later curling up with a soft purr. I wake up in someone's arms whining a bit the sun shining in my eyes, curling up in Mr.Jackson's arms, Alina letting out a soft hum as she follows behind my bags in her hands my kitten curled up on my stomach. I snuggle into the male, when we enter the home new scents hitting my nose instantly, and I slowly slide out of his arms holding my kitten. I look around the room, a large male on the couch a cigarette in his hand as he read through the newspaper a slight scowl on his face, "You brought home a stray I see. Nice cat, stray." Mr.Jackson let's out a sigh, I only pull my cat closer. I don't know this man, what if he's an animal abuser?

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