Chapter Seven

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Leo 🍌🍌🍌)))


Richard nor The twins wouldn't leave me alone anytime mom left the room even when she was in there. Coming behind me, touching me, biting at me growling in my ears calling me naughty, Richard promised he'd punish me later and I'm sure he will. The twins said they want a 'dress up' show in outfits they choose as pay back and I haven't seen Julian. It saddens me.. I do like them all, even Julian. I help mom set the table, the baked goods on the counter, the doorbell rings. I tense up, looking myself over. I have on a plain white dress, it's lace and the inside is slightly sheer but not enough to see anything, black stockings on my legs, keeping them warm they have little kitties.. the tops pointed like cat ears and it's so cute.. I wear a simple black and white cardigan, and my usual boots I wear. I open the door, looking up at my mommy staying quiet, shifting on my legs as I look at the two- no three males behind her then to the small little girl. "This is Alice.." mommy introduces the strawberry blonde freckled cheeked girl.

I stay quiet, lifting her up walking inside bouncing alive gently going into the kitchen, "You're so pretty in a dress!" She giggles, wearing her own dress and a pair of leggings with some flats. I hand her two cookies walking out looking at the three men, adverting my eyes setting the small girl down going behind the wall named Richard as he comes down walking behind him using the wall as a shield. "Jamie they can see you dont be scared." Mom mumbles plucking me from behind the wall shielding me holding me up as I pout squirming in her grip my skirt riding up slightly. "I can see your panties little boy." Someone mumbles against my ear before I feel my skirt shift. I look back at the ginger from before my cheeks red slipping out of her arms crawling between her legs and rushing up the stairs getting caught by the twins. They appear outta no where! Why the fuck can't I be let into my own bedroom when I'm clearly scared?

Mommy stays silent, watching, lifting up Alice the blonde chatting with Julian, do they know eachother? Dad and mommy's husband chat, mama walks over and chats with mommy. I let them drag me down staying quiet pouting, the ginger waiting nodding at the twins who set me at the table, "Lovely to officially meet you. I'm Oliver. That's Leo, and Alice is the little girl. Our dads name is Alix." One of them says sitting next to me, Richard on the other side the remains sitting in front of me, and Leo between them. I turn red as Richard pulls me onto his lap, Ginger scooting closer into the chair I was in. Alice sit in the one he was in. Somethings poky.. mama and mommy sit at one end of the table, the male married to mommy and dad sit at the other Julian across from me, well next to Leo, Leo was across from me if you were thinking of straight lines.

"I'm sure everyone is getting along so far, Richard put Jamie down he isn't a doll, I just want to say nobody here is upset with what happened not even Jamie.. well he is but not angry at you, Jamie's had a hard time and I'm glad he finally gets to meet his brothers, sister, and mother. I thought he left without a word but he came back and just cuddled me all night.. I was hoping after dinner we could discuss where hed stays and visitation.." mama states, mommy nodding glancing to me, though Richard ignores her warning slipping a hand between my thighs squeezing it gently. I shudder, staying quiet munching on my berries from my bowl of berries smiling happily. I have a baked potatos and some veggies, I don't mind the steak, it's just gonna hurt my tummy. "Jamie do you still have acid reflex badly? I remember you only ate fruits and veggies and meat here and there cause of it.." Mommy mumbles as I blush lightly, looking up. She remembers? "Yeah.. it's okay though.." I mumble quietly.

She hums nodding slowly, "if you say so.. Are you feeling okay..? You fell really hard yesturday but you just ran away.." I nod, "He actually is prone to getting hurt if seems." Julian mumbles staring at me, "When he wouldn't spread his legs for some dude and give him his cash he got beat up. He's just an omega though, not like he could've done anything." Julian shrugs slipping in headphones as I go quiet munching on my berries looking at Richard hand as he trails it up pushing against it. My hands like half of his hands size. "Stop.." I whisper looking at me, turning red when he pushes his hands under my skirt resting his hand gently on my thigh. These fucking brothers. "So Jamie is it.. did you ever look for mom?" Leo questions me, a hand appears on my other thigh and I assume it's Richards other hand till I notice it's a little more rough. Richard has this gentle but rough feeling, but whoever's hand this is, they are giving me like a mini-rough ass massage on my thigh. I purr softly eating in silence following the hand up to ginger or Oliver since that's his name going quiet wiggling and squirming on Richards lap wanting off these guys- they are my actual blood brothers mommy would be pissed and disgusted!

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