Chapter Six

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((Oliver 🍌🍌


"Oh baby! It's.. I can't believe it's you.. you have two big brothers... a new step dad and a little girl.. she's just beautiful... I miss you so much.." the female sobs, "I couldn't tell my husband for so long- and when I did he didn't even mind... I asked if I could ever bring you home and he said it'd be wonderful to meet his baby.. he's really kind.." I shake, tears rolling down my cheeks, "it's been so long- mommy I have a family- no.. I don't... I'm not their family they took me in this year... their sons hate me, or one of them the other three just want to touch me... they don't like me they just.. their parents are so kind.. they are amazing like you.. I don't know if I can leave them- I don't even know where you are.." I look to the ground, "I'm already here baby! I tracked your phone- they are here to your right by where you've been staying we have a vacation home here already.. come see me please.. meet them.." I bite down on my lip, "Okay mommy.. " I get the address, bringing my bags home hiding them away walking out before anyone got home right as I ran away from the house their cars pulled up. I run, and I keep running till I can't getting a drink from a coffee shop sipping it walking the rest of the way looking up at the beautiful vacation home on the beach the lake frozen over snow on the ground, gently covering the trees and the home in a thin coating of snow. A small and thin blonde sat on the porch bumbled up, a pair of jeans on her, a thick sweater and a vest on over it. I hesitantly walk over, scared.

"M-ma'am..? I'm looking for my mother she recently called me-" I yelp as she hugs me, squeezing the life out of me lifting me up, "Jamie! My baby!" She cries, holding my close shaking, she squeezes me chuckling even. I stay quiet, shaking, trembling as I slowly hug back closing my eyes enjoying the warmth she gave off. The scent radiating off her was soft, sweet motherly like fresh baked cookies on a Sunday morning.. I nuzzle her neck, letting out soft shaky breaths taking in her scent with every deep gasp of air holding the petite woman close to me. "I can't believe this. You're exactly like I thought, you used my parents for their money and took advantage of my brothers cause you wanted more. You're a dirty slut Jamie!" Julian growls, walking away his hands clenched. Did he follow me? I stay quiet, looking down. I can't just leave them, "Mom.. I can't just leave them... I'm legally adopted by them... they took care of me when nobody did, I was going to die.. I had no home or anywhere to go, their son may not like my but the others don't mind me to much-" I look up as two two young men, "Mom? Who is this?" One asks, one has brilliant fiery red hair, curled like my dark hair was freckles scattering his pale cheeks a few tattoos could be seen on the under dressed male, he wore a confused frown on his face, he was built but not like- bulky bulky? I look to his gauged ears then to the slightly shorter male next to him, they are both atleast the twins height, the redhead may even be Richards.. I glance over the blonde, tilting my head slightly looking at his messy blonde hair like he just combed his hand through it for the millionth time, wearing a plaid flannel, it was undone and a black shirt rested underneath it, he's in joggers and some slippers. He has freckles to! His eyes are brown and he has a similar build to the freckles redhead, he seems bored. I glance him over and the other a few times in silence trying to figure out who they are though they don't even seem to notice me much.

"Oh.. " she looks at me grabbing my hand pulling me into her arms kissing my head gently holding me tightly, "He's your little brother-" I stare up, Little?! "What the fuck.. mom what do you mean little- did you? Did you leave your husband?" I stare at her as she twiddles her thumbs, "And my father knew so he sent a male to marry me if we were gonna divorce and after one of his.." the small female looks down shaking as I grab her hand, "Sessions. I had a baby... I couldn't face my husband pregnant with you.. I couldn't with an omega either I thought you'd get hurt.. I didn't want that so I took you to an orphanage but you got hurt there.." she glances to my scared wrists as I pull my shirt down sighing. "Mom.. why didn't you tell me this before? You left your husband for so many years-" I got cut off by her, "Actually.. I went back several times.. I told them I had a nephew I had to take care of so he believed me and I left you with grandma time to time.." she twiddles her thumbs as I stay silent. "Mom. We aren't related to this little kid are we? He's like fucking 12. " I glare, I'm not fucking twelve, "17. " I correct as she nods slowly, "He got mine and your grandmas genes.. and he is your brother your father knows and has for a while... Jamie I need to get a blood test for you... see I don't know if your father is their dad, or the male in jail.. cause it happened so close.. I ran away after I thought I was, but I didn't show signs till a week or two after that male got to me.. it was just a maternity thing.. he always said he only wanted to alpha boys and I knew this one wouldn't be.. something in me just told me you were.." she looks down as I stay quiet, "You ran away from a perfectly happy life over a fucking baby? If it was as bad as you thought I would've just ended up in the orphanage anyway.." I rub my head, the two males staying quiet watching me.

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