Chapter Three

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(Julian up above 🔝🔝🔝)

(I don't know the person, i didn't ask for permission to use their photo, I don't know if their a minor or anything I'd so I'm very sorry.. I don't mean to offend anyone)


I sit up, looking around with a small pout holding rain. I kiss her head gently petting her slowly getting up. I grab black wedges, red shorts and black leggings, then a black and red crop top with a fishnet shirt for under it, then a black hoodie. I shift between a slightly gothic or edgy look and 'cutesy' as mom and dad put it. I take them to the bathroom getting in the shower getting some panties with little berries on them pulling the clothes on after I'm out. I fix my hair and makeup so you can't see the bruises or marks. Damn things. I walk out, looking at my clothes making sure I look okay, kissing Rains head carefully. I walk out making sure I have my bag going down to the kitchen getting some berries sitting down on the chair munching them.

I look up at the twins as they come in, staying silent as I look back down at the berries pulling out my phone scrolling through it. "He's so weird.. didn't he just get spanked? He's acting like nothing happened.." one of them mumbles. My cheeks flush and I get up holding the bowl shoving the rest into my mouth setting the bowl down walking out quickly. I sit on the couch, laying back down checking my phone looking up at Julian when he comes down. I look away, sighing softly looking at Richard when he comes down next. I sit up putting in headphones my cheeks flushing, I feel embarrassed by even looking at him. "Hey let's get going guys. I'll buy food on the way. We are going to the mall like I said yesterday." Richard says.

Julian walks out the twins following. Richard looks at me and I quickly get up walking out looking at the ground. One of the twins get in, who I'm guessing Lukas is, he is a little taller and his face is straight, lifts me up setting me next to Nikolas. I pout a little, looking at him then at the ground checking my phone playing my music listening to it through the earbuds I have in my ears. I look through my phone, most are pictures of Rain, a few of me and her, some of me mom and dad, a few of mommy.. I bite my lip looking at a picture of her before going onto a game. I look up when someone pushes a milkshake against my cheek, I pout grabbing the chocolate shake sipping it, "Thanks.." I mumble looking at Richard who nods my cheeks flushed as I sip it going back to the game.

The twins starts to mess around bumping me while they try to push eachother. I whine, crawling over Lukas's just as we arrive getting out quickly Nikolas poking my thighs as I do. I mumble nonsense fixing my clothes huffing and puffing quietly looking at them while they get out. I stretch giving a small yawn, looking at the four the twins pushing and shoving eachother into Julian who knocks into Richard who falls by me. I move infront of him, pushing him up. "I'm the weird one.." I mumble walking inside with a soft sigh. I yelp when one of the twins lift me up, tossing me to the other the two seemingly playing catch with me. Nikolas holds me in his arms as I mumble nonsense about the situation at hand. What do they think I am? A ball? A frisbee?

I let them drag me around all day, me and Julian getting in a few fights. They made me, made me change and try on clothes in the changing room and show it off. Not saying I tried running not saying I didn't but I may be spanked again. May. I hope not it really hurts. They actually aren't terrible, the twins love knocking into me, Richards way to touchy, he lifted my skirt when he had me try one on. He commented on my panties again. Julian just is a dick in general, he's pushy, literally he pushes me, and he's rude, and he seems to think him tugging me around doesn't affect me. I puked earlier cause him basically giving me whiplash. I don't like the bruises on my wrists either. They also seem to think I need them to hold me bags or something. I'm not a prissy snobby little girl who can't do anything cause I'm so spoiled. I always take them back, they can carry their own.

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