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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

And she didn't forget.
Because the next morning when she woke up she had a huge headache, but her mind was clear as day.
Okay, she didn't remember everything. But she remembered Fred sitting on the edge of her bed and her asking if she could kiss him.
She blushed, realising how dumb it might have sounded. But she was also really happy how he reacted. How much of a gentleman he had been for her.

She stood up, immediately feeling her head disagree with her. She took a moment to get her balance back and looked down, noticing she still had the same clothes on. She looked in the mirror, noticing it looked somewhat okay and left George his room.
George was still asleep, his mouth wide open and his hands behind his head.

She tippled into the living room, hoping nobody would be awake.
But unfortunately, someone had already woken up. The red-haired boy she couldn't stop thinking about turned around and smiled when he saw her.
"You're up early." he said, looking at the clock.
It was only ten in the morning.
"Got a lot on my mind, I suppose." she murmured.

She walked into the kitchen to grab herself some coffee. Fred followed her close behind and leaned over the bar counter to look at her.
"Do you remember yesterday?" he asked excitingly.
Her headache couldn't handle his excitement right now.
"What do you mean yesterday?" she replied.
She grabbed some painkillers and threw them back into her throat. A big gulp of her coffee flushed the pills down.

When she looked up again, Fred was still looking at her.
"You know what it is, Freddie.."
She grabbed her mug with two hands and hold it close by her mouth.
"See, I do remember what happened yesterday."
She smiled sweetly, but she realised the tension between them was different in broad daylight.
"But I don't know how I feel about it now that I'm sober again."

Fred looked somewhat disappointed. Even a bit sad by her words.
He stood up and nodded.
"Yeah, yeah. Me too." he said quickly.

He turned around and walked back to the sofa.
"Fred, wait." she sighed, following him this time. "I just don't know what I feel okay?"
"Well, why did you ask me to kiss you? There must have been a reason?"

He was clearly annoyed by her and it made Emilia feel bad.
"I- I don't know. Maybe I like you. Maybe I like the tension between us. The flirting. And I guess my drunk ass couldn't control herself."
While she said that, she realised she didn't have to apologise to him. She had enough on her mind already.

"I've been hurt enough by women around me." he suddenly snapped, looking up.
"Fred, nothing even happened yet." she said, sounding more irritated with the minute.
"I have a lot on my mind right now. Everything that has been going on confuses me. I don't know what to do with my damn life. Maybe you could be a bit nicer for once, Fred."

He eyes darted between her lips and her eyes. Then he shrugged and stood up.
"Maybe it's better we keep this relationship just for work. It's better that way."
And with that he went back to his bedroom, leaving Emilia alone once again.

"Fuck!" she groaned, looking at Freds closed bedroom. She could barely see it around the corner. But it was clear it was closed. Closed for her anyway.

The rest of day Emilia spend in George his room. She unpacked her clothes, her photo albums and most importantly the bracelet she got from her dad. It had a charm of a wolf hanging on there, as well as a tiny wand and a big heart.
She always had been closest to her dad. And when he gave her this, she couldn't stop crying. She promised him to keep it forever. And so she did.

She placed it on the the drawer she took with her from her apartment. And next to it she placed a picture of her little family. Even though she was born into a Muggle family, she still made sure she could get the photo moving.
Now more than ever, she was glad to see her brother and her parents smiling at her.
A tear fell down her face.

Long Lost Home • Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now