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"Well, what do ya think? Will this pull it off?"

Tiffany was wearing a mask with a bear mouth and nose. She had put a bunny headband into her hair, and she was wearing a nerdy-looking outfit that matched everything else. She didn't look anything like the real Tiffany Mayumi except for the iconic ponytail.

"Wow. Um...I think you look stunning, Tiffany," Su Tart admitted, blushing.

"Oh, stop it. You're just saying that" Tiffany said, giggling and blushing as well. "Come on, we should get to your house." She put her hand out for Su Tart to hold, and Su Tart took it, despite it being a serial killer's hand. Then they set off to Su Tart's house.

Su Tart was already used to being in the sunlight, but Tiffany kept blocking her face with her open hand. "Sorry, I just haven't been out in the sunlight for so long. It's probably why I have such pale pink skin," she told the bacon boy.

They walked past the friendly neighborhood kids again, who waved to Su Tart. They noticed the girl beside him and were a bit confused at first, but Su Tart and Tiffany just waved at them, and they smiled. The bacon girl looked a bit upset, but Su Tart didn't notice.

"Ugh, it feels so weird to be waving to other Robloxians. I haven't been this friendly for three years," Tiffany exclaimed. "At least I actually look like your girlfriend. Good thing my family is the shortest one out there, or else we would've been in trouble."

Su Tart laughed as they finally made it to his house. He opened the door and looked around for his dad. "Dad, I'm home!" Su Tart yelled through the house.

"Oh, I'm coming!" his dad replied. They heard footsteps coming from the hallway, and Su Tart's dad came into view.

"Hello, Su Tart's girlfriend! It's so nice to meet you!" He said sweetly as he held out his hand for Tiffany to shake.

"Hello, sir," Tiffany said, shaking his hand. "I'm Tiffany."

"huh. Tiffany. Haven't heard that name since that one serial killer Tiffany Mayumi escaped from jail. What a riot," he said, laughing. Tiffany laughed nervously along with him.

"So, Tiffany, how old are you?" Su Tart's dad asked the girl. Su Tart gulped.

"Oh! Uh- I'm...almost sixteen," she replied.

"What a coincidence! So is Su Tart!" his dad said. "Is there anything else I should know about you?"

"Uh...sometimes I get a little crazy..."

"Oh, you'll fit in perfectly, then! Su Tart is crazy every time he has Baconflakes. You should see the stuff he does once he's inhaled the sugar!"

"Dad!" Su Tart yelled, embarrassed. Tiffany and his dad laughed at him.

"Well, Tiffany, if you'd like, you can always stay for dinner," Su Tart's dad offered.

"Oh, no thank you, sir, I'll be going soon," Tiffany told him.

"Such a shame. You're such a sweet lady, Tiffany."

"Uh- dad? Can we hang out in my room?" Su Tart asked.

"Of course! Just don't be acting too crazy!" he told the two. They nodded and rushed to his room.

The second Su Tart closed his door, the two sighed, and Tiffany ripped the bunny ears off of her head. "Ugh. Finally, I can take these out," she said.

"Hey, Tiffany? When I said you looked stunning- I meant it, ya know," Su Tart said, still looking at the door to hide his red face.

"Oh. Well, thanks," Tiffany said, also blushing. "But you can call me Tiff."

"Alright, Tiff. What should my nickname be?"

Tiffany laughed. "You already have a nickname for me! It's senpai, remember?"

Su Tart blushed again while Tiffany laughed. Then he remembered the question he was going to ask Tiffany.

"Hey, uh, Tiff? I want to ask you something," Su Tart said nervously. Tiffany raised one eyebrow in confusion.

"Uh- Will you uh- Will you go to my school dance with m-me?" Su Tart asked, his face fully red. Tiffany was also a little shocked.

"Me? Go to the school dance with you?" she asked, making sure she was hearing the bacon boy right. Su Tart nodded, his back still turned to his door.

The room went silent. Su Tart was afraid the girl would say no, but instead, he heard her voice say, "Alright." Su Tart turned his tomato-face around to look the girl in the eye to make sure she was serious. She smiled and nodded.

"It's good to get out every once in a while. Besides, I haven't been to a dance in years," Tiffany shrugged. "When is the dance?"

"This Friday," Su Tart told her. "We have plenty of time to get ready."

"Good. Because I don't think I should go to a school dance wearing this." The two laughed together until they cried.


Tiffany waved goodbye to Su Tart's dad as Su Tart walked outside with the girl.

"Do you need me to walk back with you? Are you sure you won't get caught?" Su Tart asked.

"Oh, please. You're acting like a worried boyfriend. If I can pull it off with your dad, I'm pretty sure I can fool everybody else," Tiffany said. She started to walk away from Su Tart and back to the alleyway.

Su Tart went back inside and his father was washing the dishes. "What a nice lady," Su Tart's dad said again. "I'm so glad you've found someone."

"Me too, dad," Su Tart said, sitting down at their wooden table. "What was it like to fall in love with you and mom?

His dad paused washing the dishes and looked at his son. "It was the best thing to ever happen to me. I miss her terribly. She was such an amazing mom. I still can't believe she left when you were only two."

Su Tart nodded. He also missed his mom a lot, but she left them for another man, a man with more money. Su Tart hated her for that, but a little part of him still loved his mom.

"I think I'm gonna get to bed," Su Tart told his dad. He only nodded and continued to wash the dishes.

As Su Tart closed his door and covered himself in his bedsheets, he wondered what would happen if Tiffany and he broke up. It probably wouldn't end well he thought as he drifted off to sleep.

Su Tart x Tifany MayumiWhere stories live. Discover now