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Trigger warning!: Disturbing/Bloody scenes up ahead!

Eventually, everyone in the gym was silenced to listen to the winners of the king and queen. It wasn't Su Tart and Tiffany, but they still clapped for the lovely couple who did win. Afterwards, Su Tart's heads started getting clammy. Tiffany noticed and looked worriedly at him.

"You okay, Su Tart?" she asked the bacon boy. He nodded, but his whole body was shaking.

"Y-Yeah I-I-I'm F-Fine," Su Tart mumbled.

"No, you're not. You're shaking incredibly. Is it because you're scared of those guys?" Tiffany asked him. He nodded and whimpered quietly.

Tiffany frowned. "We won't let them escape. I promise," she assured him as she smiled creepily. Su Tart gulped.

Once Tiffany congratulated the winners, she grabbed Su Tart's hand furiously and dragged him to the slenders, who were conveniently standing at the exit of the gym and scowling at people who walked out.

"Hey!" Tiffany yelled to them. They all looked at her emotionless. "Meet us in the ally. After the dance. Five minutes," she told them. They only smirked back at her.

"Sure," the one slender from earlier said. "We'll see you there. Alleyway fight." Then he and his crew walked out of the dance.

"Come on, Su Tart. Let's go," Tiffany said angrily. She kept pulling her boyfriend out of the doors and ignored the others who waved them goodbye.

Once they were a good distance from the school, Tiffany looked Su Tart in the eye, which made him confused. Then she swiped out her knife, which made Su Tart jump a little.

"This," Tiffany said, "Is the reason I brought my knife." She flipped her knife in her hand with grace as the two finally entered the alleyway.

"Shh, be quiet; They may already be here," Tiffany whispered to the bacon boy. Then she slithered the boy and herself through the skinny alley and to the garbage cans they always sat on.

"God, why did we have to sit so deep in?" Su Tart asked his girlfriend. She shushed him violently, which made him immediately zip his lips.

They eventually found themselves near the garbage cans. Unfortunately for them, the slenders has beat them to their spot.

"Wha? But- how..." Su Tart exclaimed.

"We have our secrets and you have yours," the slender said. "Which explains why you know exactly where we were going to be...how'd you know this was the exact place in the alley we wanted to meet ya?"

"Like you said- we've got our secrets," Tiffany said, hiding her knife slightly behind her back as she squeezed Su Tart's sweaty hands.

"Jesus Christ, that girl's got a knife," one of the slenders pointed out, which made everyone in the alleyway go silent. Tiffany smirked as she looked at all the slenders' scared faces.

"Oh, this? I just brought it to do some cooking afterwards. You, know, a family recipe for me and my senpai. Can you guess what the ingredients are?" she asked the tall Robloxians.

She took a step forward, then lunged at the main slender, grabbing his shirt so he couldn't pull away. She giggled disturbingly and slashed a tiny bit of his arm.

"Your flesh," she said in a horrifying voice. She pushed Su Tart into the wall as she clutched her hand over his throat. Then she pushed him down to the ground as his friends watched her do so. Some ran away, some stayed and watched.

The slender started screaming bloody murder as Tiffany gouged a deep hole into his skinny arms. Su Tart's ears were screaming along with him, the sound of someone in pain unbearable to a boy like him.

Eventually, when it got a bit too gory, the rest of the slenders ran further into the alley, looking back at their dying friend. Soon enough, Tiffany had cut off his arm completely and started going for the heart.

She made one easy deep cut right into his heart, and the slender's face turned pale. She took a few deep breaths, then turned her head back to Su Tart. The boy stood as still as he possibly could as she stared right into his soul.

"There's no more respawns for this boy," she stuttered as she licked the blood off her knife, which almost made Su Tart throw up. She giggled as she stepped away from the body and towards her freaked boyfriend.

The two stared at the souless body on the stone floor until Tiffany spoke up. "You'll help me hide the body, won't you?"

"Sure. Shouldn't be too hard to find a spot."

There was a short pause between their breaths until Tiffany sighed. "When I was little, my father told me I could do anything I set my mind to. I remembered his words in my heart.

"My mother tried to beat me for always day-dreaming and not focusing, which made my father very angry at her. They fought a lot, which made me sad. I wanted my father to have a much better life than he had been given. He deserved a much better woman than my mother.

"Once I started my killing spree, before I left my hometown, I visited my family one last time to give them an appreciation gift to remember me by. I killed my mother and sister, and right as I finished doing so, my father found me. In the garage, looking over their dead, rotting bodies.

"I thought he'd said I could put anything I put my mind to, so I told him that. 'Didn't those words come out of your mouth, daddy?' I asked him. He only backed away from me, and called the police on me. My heart broke even more that day. I left before the police arrived, but I always wondered why my dad snitched on me.

"It was supposed to be ride or die. He chose die. He never cared about me. And I can never figure out why I cared about him so much."

Su Tart looked at the girl, who had obviously had a tragic past, and put his arm around her bloody self. "Well, nobody's perfect. And I promise you, I'll ride with you the entire way," he squeezed the girl's arm, which made her smile and tear up a bit.

"Thanks, Su Tart," Tiffany said, wiping her sweaty eyes. "Now, help me hide the body."

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