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Friday came faster than Su Tart could handle. A bunch of people still hadn't asked out anybody, and Su Tart was glad he asked Tiffany out when he had.

He wasn't sure if Tiffany and he could pull it off and if people would actually believe that she was someone else, but Tiffany kept assuring Su Tart that everything was going to be fine.

"Relax, Su Tart," Tiffany assured him. "I promise that I'll be able to fool those teens. Usually, teenagers are incredibly full of themselves and always think they're right. No offense."

Su Tart was so focused on Tiffany and how she'd pull the plan off that he didn't even realize the whole day had gone by! He sighed and started to walk to his locker to pack things up. While he was doing so, he felt another light tap on his shoulder.

The bacon girl was standing at his locker again. "Hi, Su Tart!" she said warmly.

"Oh, hey! I'm sorry, but I don't think I'm gonna go with your group to the dance," Su Tart told her.

"Oh! That's not what I was going to ask you about," the bacon girl said.


"Well, u-um...I was wondering i-if...y-you wanted to go the dance with m-me?" the girl mustered.

"O-Oh!" Su Tart didn't want to hurt the girl's feelings, but he didn't want to make Tiffany mad, either. "U-Um, I'm sorry, but..." The girl's smile faded from her face.

 "I-I'm sorry, but I'm going with somebody else..." The girl had been crushed by Su Tart's words. She gave him a little sniff before walking away.

"Oh! T-That's okay! M-Maybe next time!" She said to Su Tart. He laughed nervously and waved goodbye to her.

Then the bacon boy felt another tap on his shoulder. "You better prove my point with Tiffany," the slender whispered into his ear before walking away weirdly. Su Tart shivered thinking about what would happen if Tiffany hadn't come to the dance with him.

Su Tart went into the dark alley and saw his girlfriend standing there with her arms crossed.

"Do you have a dress?" Su Tart asked her.

"Of course I have a dress! Why wouldn't I? I spent the entire day picking out the perfect one for me!" Tiffany said, showing him the dress she picked out. Su Tart oohed at it.

"Alright. I'll pick you up at five forty!" Su Tart reminded the girl, and she nodded as he waved goodbye and ran to his house.

The second Su Tart stepped inside, his dad showed him a tuxedo he had pulled out from his closet.

"This is the exact same one I wore when I took our mom to prom," his dad told him, looking back at the old days. "High school sweethearts."

Su Tart snickered as he watched his dad be a dork again. He grabbed the tuxedo and put it on in the bathroom. He looked at himself in a mirror and was a bit surprised at how mature he looked.

Once he stepped out, his dad was holding a matching tie, and he helped Su Tart tie it around him. 

"You look so old," his dad said, crying a little at the sight of his son in a tuxedo. "Go pick up your girlfriend and have a ball."

Su Tart laughed and walked out the door, looking at the almost-dark sky. He smiled as he walked back to the alleyway to pick up Tiffany Mayumi.

He was lucky that the alley didn't smell, otherwise, he'd be embarrassed at the dance. He crept through the dark path and stopped at the garbage cans the two always sat on.

"Tiff? Are you here?" He called through the alleyway. His voice echoed back to him, and he shuddered.

"Yeah, silly! I'm right here!" the girl's voice said. Then the girl jump right in front of him, now wearing the dress she had picked out. Su tart gasped again.

The dress was black and white. Instead of dragging on the ground, it was poofed up and had ruffles on the bottom. The sleeves were regular poofy-ish sleeves, and there was a black collar she had on. She put on black fingerless gloves and black see-through tights. It matched her personality perfectly- sweet looking but a hint of evil in her.

"It looks great on you!" Su Tart exclaimed, cringing at the echo of his compliment. Tiffany laughed.

"Thanks, Su Tart. You're looking fancy yourself," she told the boy. He blushed at her compliment and she held out her hand. Su Tart gave her a confused look.

"What's the hand-holding for?" he asked the girl.

"We're linking arms. It's what fancy-looking people do, silly," She giggled. Su Tart smiled and linked his arm into hers. Then the two walked out of the alleyway and to the school.

"Okay, can I tell you something? I brought my knife," Tiffany admitted. Su Tart gasped.

"Tiffany! What if you get caught?!" The bacon boy whisper-yelled.

Tiffany only giggled and shushed him. "Don't worry. It's just if anybody is bothering us. We can lure them into the back alley and slice em'!"

Su Tart rubbed his eyes with his free arm and Tiffany did the yandere laugh.

"When was your last school dance?" Su Tart asked Tiffany. Tiffany thought about it for a while.

"I don't know! I think it was my junior year of high school, right before I went on my rampage. I had a sparkling teal dress and I wore it like it was my child. Albert took me to the dance but spent the entire night talking to Kirsten." Tiffany groaned at the sound of the girl's name. "Kirsten."

Su Tart laughed as the two finally made their way to the front of his high school. Tiffany looked up at it as if she had been there before.

Su Tart took the girl's hand and squeezed it. She gave him a sincere smile and looked at the double door entrance.

"Alright. Let's do this," Su Tart said. Tiffany nodded and the two headed into the dance, ready for anything.

Su Tart x Tifany MayumiWhere stories live. Discover now