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Su Tart took no time and wasted all of his energy to escape to the alleyway. Once he finally entered the darkness, he caught his breath and flopped down on the floor.

"Su Tart? I'm surprised your dad didn't see you," Tiffany said as she appeared out of thin air.

"He did. I had to make up something to get out," Su Tart said through his long breaths.

"Cool. What did you tell him?"

Su Tart paused to take one last big breath, then looked at the girl's ponytail. "I- I wanted m- my mom," he admitted.

Tiffany nodded, pursing her lips together. "Ah. Looks like we've got two completely different perspectives on our moms," she said aloud.

"No. I'm just like you. I hate my mom," Su Tart said as he brushed some dirt off his arms.

"Then why did you give him a lie that obviously wasn't true?" Tiffany took a seat next to the boy instead of sitting across from him, but Su Tart didn't mind.

"Because-" Why did he say what he had back there? "Because as much as I hate my mom for leaving us, I still want to forgive her and accept her into my life. I mean, I've lived more than half without her, so she wouldn't be much help now, but it would still be nice to have another parental figure to look to."

"I think I can understand you there," Tiffany agreed.

"You can? Why?" Su Tart asked, a bit confused.

Tiffany flicked a rock nearby her shoes. "Well, you're lucky to at least have your dad to look to when you need help. I mean, he understood that you wanted to see your mother after all this time! I will NEVER forgive my mother for what she put me through, but my father? I still hope he's somewhere, a place where I can meet up with him and tell him how much I love him- but my heart still tells me that I don't need him. So, I'm not too sure. I'm just jealous that you've got a daddy that loves you." The girl looked at the top of the alleyway, which was a bit far up from where they were.

Su Tart gave the girl a sad look. Tiffany Mayumi- a serial killer, someone who had been heartbroken by family and friends, who had a mom that gave her all her hardships, an ex who started her killing spree, and a father that left her to be caught- was this girl really meant to be in jail after all she had been through? Even if she killed, you can't blame her for letting out all of her anger.

"Well, as long as we've got each other, there's a little hope. Right...?" Su Tart said. Tiffany looked at her boyfriend - a sad, lonely bacon, who had a gold-digger mother that left him and a strange father, a boy who got bullied by his classmates, who only ever wanted was a friend and possibly a nice girlfriend- how did he end up with a serial killer?

Tiffany nodded at him. At least the two understood each other. 

"Alright. C'mon, let's go," Tiffany said as she stood up. Su Tart pushed himself up, and they walked back to the place of the body. Su Tart's shoes got stuck in a tiny puddle of blood as they stood over the area.

"Dangit," Su Tart said as he blushed. Tiffany chuckled to herself and shrugged.

"We can always buy new shoes for you," Tiffany told her boyfriend.


"Okay- STEAL." The two laughed at Tiffany's obvious lie and continued to reach the opening to the alley. Su Tart noticed a satchel on Tiffany once they got there.

"What's in there?" he asked quietly. Tiffany took it off her back and opened it up and searched through it.

"Some food, a water bottle- don't ask me how I got them- a random phone I saw on the sidewalk, a charger that I saw as well, a few pictures of myself from my childhood, and-" Tiffany paused as she pulled out one last photo- a picture of a cowboy with blue overalls and a brown cowboy hat with his eyes crossed and a buck tooth sticking out.

"Albert's picture." Su Tart kept his mouth shut as the killer shoved all the stuff back into the bag and pulled the strings tightly.

"Ignore him," Tiffany reminded the bacon boy. "I don't need him if I've got you now."

Su Tart smiled nervously, but wondered if Tiffany still loved him. Why would she still have a picture of him if he wasn't alive thanks to her?

Su Tart x Tifany MayumiWhere stories live. Discover now